
Responsive Full-Stack web app that showcases a photo collection of a user’s travel aka Around U.S

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project 15: Around U.S Full-Stack Social Travel App 🌎

Developed By Grace Chen Abudi 👩🏽‍💻

This repository contains the full API of "Around the U.S." project that features user authorization and user registration and handles cards and users.

This app was integrated between Backend & Frontend repositories, then deployed to Vercel.

📣 Overview:

  • Intro
  • Tech Stack & Techniques
  • Free Images Source
  • Possible Improvements
  • Live Project
  • All Project Features

🔎 Intro

This is a Full-stack interactive app with responsive design which enables travelers to share their travel photos by creating account.

🧰 🛠️ Tech Stack & Techniques:

  • ReactJS
  • Express.js
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB + MongoDB-Atlas
  • Vercel Deployment
  • CI/CD
  • Vercel Serverless technology
  • JWT server Auth
  • localStorage
  • REST API with CRUD Implementation
  • CSS3
  • Git/GitHub

NPM Packages (Backend) Aspects of Use
bcryptjs Password Encryption
body-parser Returns middlewares that handle incoming requests before they reach a target controller .
celebrate It's an express middleware function that wraps the joi validation library .
cors (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) It is a mechanism to allow or restrict requested resources on a web server depend on where the HTTP request was initiated. This policy is used to secure a certain web server from access by other website or domain .
dotenv automatically loads environment variables from a . env file into the process. env object .
express-winston Provides middlewares for request and error logging of your express.js application .
winston Universal logging library with support for multiple transports .
validator A library of string validators and sanitizers .
jsonwebtoken An open standard for securely transferring data within parties using a JSON object .
express-rate-limit Use to limit repeated requests to public APIs and/or endpoints such as password reset .
helmet Helps you secure your Express apps by setting various HTTP headers .

📍 API Endpoints :

RESTful API Enpoints HTTP Methods Usage Purpose
/signup POST User Registration
/signin POST User Login
/users GET GETting data from all users
/users/:_id GET GETting user by their id.
/users POST Creating a specific user profile
/users/me PATCH Updating user data
/users/me/avatar PATCH Updating user avatar data
/cards GET GETting data from all cards
/cards POST Creating a new card
/cards/:_id DELETE DELETE card by its id
/cards/:_id/likes PUT Liking a card
/cards/:_id/likes DELETE Disliking a card

📷 Free Images Source

🔧 Possible Improvements

  • Create a Forgot Password option in case the users forget theirs.
  • Resets Password

✨ Live Project

Enjoy ! 🌺

📸 All Project Features

  • In first visitation, the users requires to sign up to create an account.

    • If the users has registered already, they can simply log in.
  • Once the users logged in, there's no need to log back in again for 7 days at least, as this is the expiration duration of JWT token.

    • They will be navigated to the Homepage with several features to use.

      • Edit their profile name, about, and their avatar image.

      • Adding their own cards to the collection.

      • Seeing others cards.

      • Capability to like or dislike own and others cards as well.

      • The users can remove only their own cards and not someone elses.

      • Click on the image to view it in its full size.