Developed by Grace Chen Abudi
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A practice project in React, working on multi-page SPA with React Router.
- React
- JavaScript
- CSS Modules
- React Router Dom
- Nested Routes
- Navigation between pages
React Hooks
:- useParams: This hook gives access to multiple contents in the same URL path, and it enables each parameter to have a unique identification.
React Router Components
:- React Outlet: Is a component provided by React Router that serves as a placeholder for child routes within a parent route.
- NavLinks: Is used for navigation.
- Absolute Paths
- Relative Paths
- Index Routes
If you want to strengthen your knowledge and skills of React, Redux, Next.js, and more... along with Best Practices, Feel free to check this course on Udemy by Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Visit the Course 👉🏽 HERE !
Shoutout to Maximilian Schwarzmüller for this practice project, the lectures, the exercises, and the React course in Udemy. Mahalo, Thank you!