
Benchmarks / Datasets Year Paper Source Description Types
GHOSTBUSTER 2023.09 Static Badge Static Badge human and AI-generated text as detection benchmarks student essays, creative writing, and news articles.
M4 2023.05 Static Badge Static Badge generated by multiple languages, and various popular LLMs across diverse domains news, social media, question-answering forums, educational, and even academic contexts.
Deepfake Text 2023.05 Static Badge Static Badge 447,674 human-written and machine-generated texts from a wide range of sources by OpenAI, LLaMA, and EleutherAI, etc. in the wild news article writing, story generation, scientific writing, etc.
TURINGBENCH 2021(EmNLP) Static Badge Static Badge real news from CNN, Washington Post and Kaggle VS. use prompt (title, length) to generate the news news
TweepFake 2020 Static Badge Static Badge fake tweets generated by RNN+Markov/GPT-2/LSTM/RNN VS. Human Tweep
Grover 2019(NeurIPS) Static Badge Static Badge fake news generated by Grover, a pre-trained LM with similar GPT-2 Arcthitecture trained by real-news news


Watermark Technology

Paper Year Paper Source
A watermark for large language models. xxxx Static Badge Static Badge

Zero-shot Methods