
📕 DDmkTCCorpus: Diachronic Danmaku Text Comments Corpus (历时弹幕语料库)

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

📕DDmkTCCorpus: Diachronic Danmaku Text Comments Corpus

1️⃣ The project provides open-source comment data for researchers to conduct in-depth research on the Danmaku corpus, which mainly focuses on the subculture bullet-screen comment corpus (including but not limited to the Guichu, animation and e-sports type).

2️⃣ Corpus is maintained by TinyTalks, a Community for NLP research in Short Text in Chinese.

Table of Contents

Video Corpus

The video corpus were more than 1 milions plays during the years from 2017 to 2020. The attributes can be as follow.

Attribute explanation
Bvno 视频识别号
Tname 主标签
Tag_name 标签列表
Owner_mid 发布者Id
Title 标题
Pubdate 发布时间
Duration 持续时间
View 观看数量
Danmaku 弹幕数量
Reply 转发数量
Favorite 收藏数量
Coin 投币数量
Share 分享数量
Like 喜欢数量

Source: https://pan.bnuz.edu.cn/l/J5z6nP password:bnuz

Video-Channel Network

https://pan.bnuz.edu.cn/l/g1ydM2 password:bnuz

Attribute explanation
videoType 视频类型
relation 属于
channel 频道标签

Danmaku Comment Corpus

The attributes detail can as follow.

Attribute type explanation Default
text (str) 弹幕文本
dm_time (float) 弹幕在视频中的位置,单位为秒 0.0
send_time (float) 弹幕发送的时间 time.time()
crc32_id (str) 弹幕发送者 UID 经 CRC32 算法取摘要后的值 None
color (str) 弹幕十六进制颜色 "ffffff"
weight (int) 弹幕在弹幕列表显示的权重 -1
id_ (int) 弹幕 ID -1
id_str (str) 弹幕字符串 ID ""
action (str) 暂不清楚 ""
mode (Mode) 弹幕模式 Mode.FLY
font_size (FontSize) 弹幕字体大小 FontSize.NORMAL
is_sub (bool) 是否为字幕弹幕 False
pool (int) 暂不清楚 -1
attr (int) 暂不清楚 -1

Classification of Corpus

Type Original Source Text Source Password
鬼畜 Static Badge Static Badge bnuz
电竞 Static Badge Static Badge bnuz
动漫 Static Badge Static Badge bnuz
疫情 Static Badge Static Badge bnuz

疫情类 https://pan.bnuz.edu.cn/l/aoMMOM(密码:bnuz)



Danmaku Language Models

Mdeols Description Mask Accuracy Link
chinese_danmaku_roberta fine-tuned version of uer/chinese_roberta_L-8_H-512 on an Danmaku Corpus(2000k raw data) dataset. 0.7780 Static Badge

Danmaku Marked Data





https://pan.bnuz.edu.cn/l/snpijm password: bnuz

citation: https://github.com/MelkiorOno/DanmakuMarked-data


If you use this corpus in your research, please cite this repository.

 author = {陈鑫,张以欣,吴俊潮,郭凌宇,余泽汇 & 杨静},
 title = {历时弹幕语料库的构建与探析——以青年亚文化弹幕为例},
 journal = {情报探索},
 volume = {No.299},
 number = {77-85},
 year = {2022},
 issn = {1005-8095},
 doi ={10.3969/j.issn.1005-8095.2022.09.010}