
Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree: Project 1 - Finding Lane Lines on the Road

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


Udacity Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree: Project 1 - Finding Lane Lines on the Road


In this project, you will use the tools you learned about in the lesson to identify lane lines on the road.

You can develop your pipeline on a series of individual images, and later apply the result to a video stream (really just a series of images).

The tools you have are:

  • Color selection
  • Region of interest selection
  • Grayscaling
  • Gaussian smoothing
  • Canny Edge Detection
  • Hough Tranform line detection

Set up environment

Run the code

  • Launch the Jupyter notebook with Anaconda or Docker.
# Anaconda
source activate carnd-term1 # If currently deactivated, i.e. start of a new terminal session
jupyter notebook finding_lane_lines.ipynb


cv2.inRange() for color selection cv2.fillPoly() for regions selection cv2.line() to draw lines on an image given endpoints cv2.addWeighted() to coadd / overlay two images cv2.cvtColor() to grayscale or change color cv2.imwrite() to output images to file cv2.bitwise_and() to apply a mask to an image
