🛰️ Official repository of paper "RemoteCLIP: A Vision Language Foundation Model for Remote Sensing" (IEEE TGRS)
Jupyter NotebookApache-2.0
- 0oshowero0Tsinghua University
- 1e12LeonHHU
- AIMPer73
- akhilpmMontreal
- bensdm@MSBigData2019
- bourcierjPreligens / GIPSA-lab / Inria
- ChenDelong1999The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
- ChenheWang-BUPT
- chl916185
- cn-github007
- deepinact
- fitzpchao
- fly51flyPRIS
- gdmcdonaldSydney Informatics Hub, University of Sydney
- gzqy1026
- hastaluegoph
- HumbleGamer
- interactivetechNYC
- jaychempanZJUT & THU
- konstantinklemmerCambridge, MA
- lebron-2016
- lhackel-tubRSiM - Technische Universität Berlin
- lzw-lzwFudan University
- maxi-wBerlin
- MurkyyFrance
- rongtongxueyaBeijing Normal University
- taesiriPlanet Mars
- thomas-dujardin
- Ultraman0729
- vldkhramtsovKharkiv, Ukraine
- wanghao15536870732Xidian University
- wenjuntan
- whuhxb
- XinyuZhou2000Communication University of China
- yedvvard
- yifeisu