A simple pip-installable Python tool to generate your own HTML citation world map from your Google Scholar ID.
- 924973292Dalian University of Technology
- AAAAAAsuka
- abchen0516
- brx18
- caitaozhanArgonne National Lab
- ChendiDotLin
- ChenLiu-1996Yale University
- cyberfoxmeow
- DieTANGYale School of Medicine
- douxiaotianHarvard University
- fyj97
- ggflow123Oberlin College, New York University, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
- gu-yaowenNew York University
- harifhpSeattle, USA
- hbwu-ntuMicrosoft
- huangtinglinUS
- jiahuiiiiii
- jianchaoji
- jsw-zorroUniversity of Michigan
- littlew
- ma-xuNortheastern University
- meet-cjli
- mingdianliuIowa State University
- pentium3Boston
- QAQdevWestlake University
- Steamgjk
- superkevingit
- Tianyaz97
- wx-guyueBiogen Inc.
- XuandongZhaoUC Berkeley
- Yifei-LiuStony Brook University
- yilunzhaoYale University
- yushengsu-thuTsinghua University (Graduated)
- ZhaobinMo
- ZJUJeffLaiApple AI/ML