
scPoissonGamma relies on the following R packages: Rcpp, RcppArmadillo. All packagess are hosted on CRAN.

install.packages ("Rcpp")
install.packages ("RcppArmadillo")

scPoissonGamma can be installed from github directly as follows:

install.packages ("devtools")

Simulation example 1: Model in Section 1

allY <- NULL
mu2 <- 2
beta <- 0
mu <- -0.25
alpha <- 2
n <- 200

for(kk in 1:100){

  X <- c(rep(0, n/2), rep(1, n/2))
  Xbeta <- X*beta
  E <- rgamma(n, 5, 5)
  lambda <- exp(Xbeta + mu2)*E
  pi <- 1- 1/(exp(mu + alpha*Xbeta) + 1)

  ind <- NULL
  for(i in 1:n){
    ind <- c(ind, sample(c(1, 0), 1, prob = c(pi[i], 1 - pi[i])))

  Y <- rep(0, n)
  for(i in 1:n){
    if(ind[i] == 1){
      Y[i] <- rpois(1, lambda[i])

  allY <- rbind(allY, Y)

n <- 200
all1 <- NULL
for(kk in 1:nrow(allY)){
  Y <- allY[kk, 1:n]
  X <- c(rep(0, n/2), rep(1, n/2))
  est <- try(PoissonGamma_Mix(Y, X, psi = 10, gamma = 0.25, steps = 30, EM_steps = 10, LRT = FALSE, group = TRUE, down = 0.05, ReportAll = FALSE))
  if(class(est) != "try-error"){
    all1 <- rbind(all1, unlist(est))

Y is the data matrix. X is the phenotype vector. gamma and down are the line search paramters in the gradient descent algorithm. steps is the number of steps used in gradient descent algorithm. When ReportAll set to be TRUE, estimates and likelihood at each EM step will be output.

Simulation example 2: Model in Section 5, add a sample specific parameter through Z

allY <- NULL
mu2 <- 2
beta <- 0
mu <- 1
alpha <- 1
n <- 1000
X <- c(rep(0, n/2), rep(1, n/2))

Z <- rep(1:5, 200)
delta <- 0.5

for(kk in 1:200){

  Xbeta <- X*beta
  E <- rgamma(n, 5, 5)
  lambda <- exp(Xbeta + mu2)*E

  alphaXbeta <- Xbeta*alpha
  pi <- 1- 1/(exp(mu + alphaXbeta + delta*Z) + 1)

  ind <- NULL
  for(i in 1:n){
    ind <- c(ind, sample(c(1, 0), 1, prob = c(pi[i], 1 - pi[i])))

  Y <- rep(0, n)
  for(i in 1:n){
    if(ind[i] == 1){
      Y[i] <- rpois(1, lambda[i])

  allY <- rbind(allY, Y)

all2 <- NULL
for(kk in 1:nrow(allY)){
  Y <- allY[kk, ]
  est <- try(PoissonGamma_Mix_multiple_beta(Y, as.matrix(X), Z, psi = 10, gamma = 0.6, steps = 20, EM_steps = 8, down = 0.05, group = FALSE, ReportAll = FALSE))
  if(class(est) != "try-error"){
    all2 <- rbind(all2, unlist(est))

This is a general function that can take X of any dimension.

Simulation example 3: Model in Section 6, drop-out rate is independent of beta

allY <- NULL
mu2 <- 2
beta <- 0
mu <- 1
alpha <- 1
n <- 1000
X <- c(rep(0, n/2), rep(1, n/2))

Z <- rep(1:5, 200)
delta <- 0.5

for(kk in 1:200){

 E <- rgamma(n, 5, 5)
 lambda <- exp(X*beta + mu2)*E

 alphaX <- X*alpha
 pi <- 1- 1/(exp(mu + alphaX + delta*Z) + 1)

 ind <- NULL
 for(i in 1:n){
   ind <- c(ind, sample(c(1, 0), 1, prob = c(pi[i], 1 - pi[i])))

 Y <- rep(0, n)
 for(i in 1:n){
   if(ind[i] == 1){
     Y[i] <- rpois(1, lambda[i])

 allY <- rbind(allY, Y)

all3 <- NULL
for(kk in 1:nrow(allY)){
 Y <- allY[kk, ]
 est <- try(PoissonGamma_Mix_multiple_beta_nowith_alpha(Y, as.matrix(X), Z, psi = 10, gamma = 0.6, steps = 20, EM_steps = 8, down = 0.05, group = FALSE, ReportAll = FALSE))
 if(class(est) != "try-error"){
   all3 <- rbind(all3, unlist(est))


Mengjie Chen (UChicago)