

Primary LanguagePHP

IUT Docker starter

Launch environment

From your OS terminal, in the app directory launch.

You can use the VSCode integrated terminal or any external one (macOS Terminal, iTerm, Windows Terminal ...) and launch the following command:

docker compose down && docker compose up -d

Create Laravel app

Open a container terminal in the app-iut container and use the following command to create a Laravel project in the app directory.

composer create-project laravel/laravel .

The . indicate to create in the current folder which is app

Git && SSH

To make your project as portable as possible, everything you need is in the app-iut container.

First installation

  • Open a container terminal in app-iut
  • Replace by your own email and launch: ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -C "<EMAIL>"
    • Press ENTER three times
  • Launch: eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  • Launch: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  • Backup the .docker/ssh content wherever you want
  • Open the .docker/ssh/id_ed25519.pub file and copy the content
  • On Github > Avatar > Settings > SSH and GPG keys
    • Click on Add SSH key
    • Set IUT in Title field
    • Paste the .docker/ssh/id_ed25519.pub content in Key field
  • Congratulations 🎉
  • Your application can be seen at localhost:8051

Ensure you have correctly save the .docker/ssh content in case of someone's dog eat your computer

Lost previous installation || changed computer || destroyed container

  • Keep calm ⚠️
  • Clone your repository
  • Copy the previously back upped .docker/ssh content to the same directory
    • Create it if necessary
  • Open a container terminal in app-iut
  • Launch: chmod 600 /home/www/.ssh/id_ed25519
  • Launch: eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"
  • Launch: ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_ed25519
  • Start a coding session ☕️

Container terminal

To open this kind of terminal, two possibilities:

Using Docker Desktop app

  • Open dashboard window
  • Find the app-iut line under starter stack
  • Click on the three dots action button
  • Select Open in terminal

Using VSCode Docker extension

  • Open the command palette
  • Search Docker Containers: Attach Shell
  • Select starter
  • Select dhonnabhainb/iut-laravel app-iut