- 4
txt_db preprocessing code for VQA
#67 opened by tejas-gokhale - 1
lmdb.Error: /userhome/UNITER/UNITER/img/coco_train2014/all: No such file or directory
#80 opened by wangxiao5791509 - 0
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- 0
pretrained model
#94 opened by FightingFighting - 0
About fp16 and location features.
#93 opened by EstherBear - 3
prepare img / txt db code for CC / SBU
#64 opened by HarveyGuo960817 - 2
- 1
Could not find the decoder in codes
#91 opened by longkukuhi - 5
- 0
- 1
What is the gather index?
#86 opened by abhidipbhattacharyya - 2
broadcast_tensors get stuck
#50 opened by tjulyz - 1
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if you are going to provid the code about extracting feature from a image?
#72 opened by FightingFighting - 1
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SBU train/val splits
#85 opened by erobic - 0
How is re_coco_gt calculated? Difference between re_coco_det and re_coco_gt
#84 opened by statechular11 - 0
is it possible not to use docker? It's really hard to debug with docker on remote server. Could you provide the requirements to reproduce the experiment without using docker?
#81 opened by SkylerZheng - 0
Reproduce error: Non-existant physical address
#82 opened by jieWANGforwork - 2
Preprocessing code for SNLI-VE
#52 opened by Worm4047 - 0
ImportError: cannot import name 'MlmDatasetForVCR' from 'data' (/media/wangxiao/Samsung_P2/UNITER/data/
#79 opened by wangxiao5791509 - 0
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Why we need to add size_mul here?
#53 opened - 0
feature extraction with docker: RuntimeWarning: invalid value encountered in greater_equal
#76 opened by suzyahyah - 0
Is it possible to release model checkpoints pretrained on out-of-domain data (CC, SBU) only?
#75 opened by Mallory24 - 0
Pretraining from scratch on small data
#74 opened by yonatanbitton - 1
Can't run preprocessing
#66 opened by steremma - 0
img db gt features
#71 opened by fromSun2Moon - 0
Hyperparameters for image feature extraction
#69 opened by senzeyu - 0
Image Text Retrieval Loss Discussion
#68 opened by jipson7 - 0
Location features
#65 opened by FuyuWang - 1
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Any faster feature extraction tools (better than the one in bottom-up-detection and lxmert)?
#60 opened by yezhengli-Mr9 - 0
*.mdb file's consulting
#59 opened by luoying050601 - 1
pre-trained model
#57 opened by yixuan-qiao - 0
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the vocab file in uniter
#56 opened by wjy3326 - 3
how to finetune in my own dataset?
#55 opened by wjy3326 - 1
Uniter's IMG_ LABEL_ DIM
#54 opened by wjy3326 - 2
RefCOCO training / evaluation details
#51 opened by j-min - 2
VCR Second Stage Pretraining
#49 opened by JaredFern - 2
- 0
Could you provide visualization code?
#48 opened by jaeyun95 - 0
Could your provide the initial model '' for uniter pretraining?
#47 opened by tjulyz