
NYU TANDON 2023 FALL AI project2

Primary LanguageHTML

Cryptarithmetic Solver

Project Description

This project is a Python program designed to solve cryptarithmetic problems. It uses a backtracking algorithm with Minimum Remaining Values (MRV) and Degree Heuristic (DH) to find digit substitutions for letters that make the cryptarithmetic addition equation true.

How to Run the Program

To run the program, use the following command in the terminal: bash python script.py input_filename.txt output_filename.txt

The program reads the cryptarithmetic problem from input_filename.txt and writes the solution to default_output.txt, unless another output filename is specified.

Source Code

The main components of the source code include:

  • read_data: Reads and processes the input file.
  • calculate_degree: Calculates the degree of each variable.
  • select_unassigned_variable: Selects the next variable to assign using MRV and DH.
  • is_valid: Checks if the current assignment is valid.
  • backtrack: The core backtracking algorithm.
  • output_solution: Outputs the solution to a file.
import sys
def read_data(filename):
    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
        # Read each line of the file and remove the newline character at the end of each line
        lines = [line.strip() for line in file.readlines()]
        # Extract all unique characters
    unique_chars = set(''.join(lines))

    # Initialize the set of possible numbers each character can represent
    variables = {char: set(range(10)) for char in unique_chars}

    # For the first letter of each word in the addition operation, remove the possibility of being 0
    for line in lines:
        first_char = line[0]
        if first_char in variables:
    return lines, variables

def calculate_degree(variable, lines):
    # Calculate the total number of occurrences of the variable in all lines
    return sum(line.count(variable) for line in lines)

def select_unassigned_variable(assignment, variables, lines):
    # First use MRV to select a variable
    unassigned_vars = [v for v in variables if v not in assignment]
    vars_with_min_values = [v for v in unassigned_vars if len(variables[v]) == min(len(variables[v]) for v in unassigned_vars)]

    # If there are multiple variables with the same minimum remaining values, use DH to select a variable
    if len(vars_with_min_values) > 1:
        return max(vars_with_min_values, key=lambda var: calculate_degree(var, lines))
        return vars_with_min_values[0] if vars_with_min_values else None

def is_valid(assignment, lines):
        values = []
        for line in lines:
            number = ''
            for char in line:
                if char in assignment:
                    number += str(assignment[char])
                    # Return False if the character has not yet been assigned
                    print(f"Character '{char}' not yet assigned.")
                    return False

        valid = sum(values[:-1]) == values[-1]
        return valid
    except ValueError:
        print("Invalid: ValueError encountered.")
        return False

def backtrack(assignment, variables, lines, depth=0):
    if len(assignment) == len(variables):
        return assignment if is_valid(assignment, lines) else None

    var = select_unassigned_variable(assignment, variables, lines)
    for value in variables[var]:
        # Ensure the current value being tried is not already used by an assigned variable
        if any(value == assigned_value for assigned_value in assignment.values()):

        new_assignment = assignment.copy()
        new_assignment[var] = value

        result = backtrack(new_assignment, variables, lines, depth + 1)
        if result is not None:
            return result

    return None

# Example usage
# Note: This code is for reference only and should be used within a complete code framework
# that includes the definition of select_unassigned_variable and other functions

# Solve the problem

def output_solution(solution, lines, filename):
    with open(filename, 'w') as file:
        for line in lines:
            # Replace each character in the line with the corresponding number
            number_line = ''.join(str(solution[char]) if char in solution else char for char in line.strip())
            file.write(number_line + '\n')

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Usage: python script.py input_filename [output_filename]")

    input_filename = sys.argv[1]  # First command line argument
    output_filename = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else "default_output.txt"  # Second command line argument or default

    # Read problem data and initialize variables
    lines, variables,= read_data(input_filename)

    # Initialize current solution
    assignment = {}

    # Use the backtracking algorithm to find a solution
    solution = backtrack(assignment, variables, lines)
    if solution:
        # If a solution is found, output it to a file
        output_solution(solution, lines, output_filename)
        print(f"Solution found and written to {output_filename}")
        # If no solution is found
        print("No solution found.")

if __name__ == "__main__":

Output Files

The program generates output files with the solutions to the provided cryptarithmetic problems. Examples of these output files include:









Additional Notes

  • Ensure Python 3.x is installed on your system to run the program.
  • Modify the input file path as needed.


Written with StackEdit.