Pinned Repositories
We will go hands-on with an image classification demo using transfer learning, while leveraging MLflow to track our model experiments on Databricks
The city of Los Angeles would like to get analysis for the 311 call center tracking data.
I will be examing an A/B Testing Experiment in this repository and going through all the standard analyses.
Applying fraud analysis in the NY Property Tax dataset with 1048575 observations and 30 variables
CIS 550 Final Project
The project is focusing on user acquisition through digital channels like Facebook. In lending business, companies want to acquire users that have a higher likelihood of repayment. However, in many financially underserved places, many people have no financial identity like a credit score. So taking the first risk is quite a thing here.
This project commissions to examine the 100,000 credit card application data, detect abnormality and potential fraud in the dataset. All data manipulation and analysis are conducted in R. Featured analysis methods include Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Heuristic Algorithm and Autoencoder.
Build a movie recommender system using Collaborative Filtering by leveraging Spark in Scala
Visual measurement is a construction positioning method developed in recent years. Combining visual measurements with on-site Guiyang subway construction, this paper proposes an automatic positioning method of roadheader excavation, replacing human vision by machine vision, and changing the current situation in tunnel excavation. First, a laser beam emits from a distance to the tunnel face. Pictures taken by a camera set on the body of roadheader are analyzed digitally based on RGB system by building a computer model by using MATLAB. The model extracts spots’ centers. Then, based on mathematical analysis of digital image, model gives the decoupled eigenvalues of positional relationship between the actual position and the standard position of roadheader in three principal directions, so as to effectively guide the construction and implement automation. This paper also makes experiments to compare characteristics of single laser spot by RGB decomposition, test model’s accuracy in extracting image of laser beam, and use a similar model to analyze the impact of camera distortion in the actual work.
ChengChen-Steven's Repositories
This project commissions to examine the 100,000 credit card application data, detect abnormality and potential fraud in the dataset. All data manipulation and analysis are conducted in R. Featured analysis methods include Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Heuristic Algorithm and Autoencoder.
Visual measurement is a construction positioning method developed in recent years. Combining visual measurements with on-site Guiyang subway construction, this paper proposes an automatic positioning method of roadheader excavation, replacing human vision by machine vision, and changing the current situation in tunnel excavation. First, a laser beam emits from a distance to the tunnel face. Pictures taken by a camera set on the body of roadheader are analyzed digitally based on RGB system by building a computer model by using MATLAB. The model extracts spots’ centers. Then, based on mathematical analysis of digital image, model gives the decoupled eigenvalues of positional relationship between the actual position and the standard position of roadheader in three principal directions, so as to effectively guide the construction and implement automation. This paper also makes experiments to compare characteristics of single laser spot by RGB decomposition, test model’s accuracy in extracting image of laser beam, and use a similar model to analyze the impact of camera distortion in the actual work.
Build a movie recommender system using Collaborative Filtering by leveraging Spark in Scala
I will be examing an A/B Testing Experiment in this repository and going through all the standard analyses.
The project is focusing on user acquisition through digital channels like Facebook. In lending business, companies want to acquire users that have a higher likelihood of repayment. However, in many financially underserved places, many people have no financial identity like a credit score. So taking the first risk is quite a thing here.
The city of Los Angeles would like to get analysis for the 311 call center tracking data.
CIS 550 Final Project
We will go hands-on with an image classification demo using transfer learning, while leveraging MLflow to track our model experiments on Databricks
Applying fraud analysis in the NY Property Tax dataset with 1048575 observations and 30 variables
The most popular HTML, CSS, and JavaScript framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
Repository of teaching materials, code, and data for my data analysis and machine learning projects.
Converts JSON to an HTML table
A typical way of detect fraud in credit card transactions; See read me for more details;
Public repo for DeepLearning.AI MLEP Specialization
A fast, efficient universal vector embedding utility package.
In this repository, I will be writing a gradient descent algorithm to solve a logistic regression problem and compare the result with the statistics packages. Start simple and end with regularization.
Source code for profiles REST API course
Python Deep Dive Course - Accompanying Materials
Teaching tools for 30 Oct 2020 Production ML Seminar