

Primary LanguagePython


Using Transformer model to do machine translation task focusing on translation from Chinese to English

数据文件 (Data)

cn-eng.txt includes 90,000 Chinese-English sentence pairs

安装环境 (Environment set-up)

Assuming your system (applicable to Linux & MacOS) has been installed with Anaconda:

# 首先在终端中进入当前目录
# enter current dir in the terminal

# 执行下方命令以创建运行项目的conda环境,可将下面环境名称myenv更换为其他名称
# run cmd lines below to create conda environment, you can rename the env with other names

conda create --name myenv python=3.7.3
source activate myenv
pip install -r requirements.txt

使用方法 (Methods)

运行训练 (Run Training Process)

# 由于训练过程日志使用wandb记录,因此需要首先在配置文件 c2e_configs.yaml 中填入你自己的 wandb_entity
# Since the training process log is recorded using wandb, you need to first fill in your own wandb_entity in the configuration file c2e_configs.yaml

# 执行以下命令在linux系统中后台运行训练脚本
# Execute the following command to run the training script in the background on the Linux system
nohup python3 -u train_model.py > console.log 2>&1 & # save print output in console.log

# 使用下方命令,可以实时观察打印台输出
# Use the following command to observe the print table output in real time
tail -f console.log

训练中间loss最优的模型以pt格式保存在models/intermediate中,最终模型保存在目录models中,你可以通过修改 c2e_configs.yaml 文件尝试在不同参数下训练模型。

The model with the optimal loss during training is saved in models/intermediate in pt format, and the final model is saved in the directory models. You can try to train the model under different parameters by modifying the c2e_configs.yaml file.

推理 (Inference)

# 可在命令参数中指定用以推理的模型的名称和路径
# The name and path of the model used for inference can be specified in the command parameters.
python make_inference.py [--model_path MODEL_PATH]
                         [--input_lang_path INPUT_LANG_PATH]
                         [--output_lang_path OUTPUT_LANG_PATH]
                         [--device DEVICE] 
# 如果只需默认参数 可以忽略后面的命令参数 直接运行 python make_inference.py
# If you only need the default parameters, you can ignore the following command parameters and run python make_inference.py directly.
# input_lang.pkl 文件可用于将输入的源文本token和数值token的互相转换 
The file can be used to convert input source text tokens and numeric tokens(input id) to and from each other.
# output_lang.pkl 文件可用于将输出的目标文本token和数值token的互相转换 
The file can be used to convert the output target text token and numeric token(input id) to and from each other.
# device 默认值为auto 自动根据系统情况选择cuda还是cpu推理 另外支持指定 'cpu' 或 'cuda'  
The default value is auto, which automatically selects cuda or cpu inference according to the system conditions. It also supports specifying 'cpu' or 'cuda'.


After executing the above command, you can enter the Chinese sentence you want to try to translate in the console. Press the Enter key to wait for about 10 seconds to view the translation results. A single run allows 10 translations. Can be run repeatedly.