
The part for generating tokens from source files in the cmu sa-bAbI project

Primary LanguageC

本项目参考paperTowards security defect prediction with AI和该paper的code。 该项目可以将c源文件转换成tokens.


  1. working_directory文件下创建一个sa-train-1000文件夹,然后再在该目录下创建一个src文件夹
  cd working_directory
  mkdir sa-train-1000
  mkdir src

If I have made those directories, you needn't make them again and just keep your project hierarchy consistent with me.

  1. 将需要token化的所有c文件放在 /working_directory/sa-train-1000/src文件夹下。

  2. 在项目根目录的终端中运行如下命令

    docker-compose build
    ./sa_gen_tokens.sh working_directory/sa-train-1000/




#include <stdlib.h>           // Tag.OTHER
int main()                    // Tag.OTHER
{                             // Tag.OTHER
    int entity_8;             // Tag.BODY
    char entity_4[23];        // Tag.BODY
    int entity_1;             // Tag.BODY
    entity_8 = 4;             // Tag.BODY
    char entity_3[44];        // Tag.BODY
    int entity_7;             // Tag.BODY
    entity_7 = 48;            // Tag.BODY
    entity_1 = 51;            // Tag.BODY
    if(entity_7 < entity_8){  // Tag.BODY
    entity_7 = 79;            // Tag.BODY
    } else {                  // Tag.BODY
    entity_7 = 39;            // Tag.BODY
    }                         // Tag.BODY
    entity_4[entity_1] = 'q'; // Tag.BUFWRITE_TAUT_UNSAFE
    entity_3[entity_7] = 'k'; // Tag.BUFWRITE_COND_SAFE
    return 0;                 // Tag.BODY
}                             // Tag.OTHER


NOTE: tokenize过程忽略了#include <stdlib.h>行,忽略了所有的注释

    "filename": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
    "tokens": [
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 2,
            "sem": "FunctionDecl",
            "text": "int"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 2,
            "sem": "FunctionDecl",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:@F@main",
                "kind": "FunctionDecl",
                "type": "int ()"
            "text": "main"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 2,
            "sem": "FunctionDecl",
            "text": "("
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 2,
            "sem": "FunctionDecl",
            "text": ")"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 3,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": "{"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 4,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "int"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 4,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@133@F@main@entity_8",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_8"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 4,
            "sem": "DeclStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 5,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "char"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 5,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@175@F@main@entity_4",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "type": "char [23]"
            "text": "entity_4"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 5,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "["
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 5,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "23"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 5,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "]"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 5,
            "sem": "DeclStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 6,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "int"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 6,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@217@F@main@entity_1",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_1"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 6,
            "sem": "DeclStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 7,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@133@F@main@entity_8",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 4
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_8"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 7,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "="
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 7,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "4"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 7,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 8,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "char"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 8,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@301@F@main@entity_3",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "type": "char [44]"
            "text": "entity_3"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 8,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "["
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 8,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "44"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 8,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "]"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 8,
            "sem": "DeclStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 9,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "text": "int"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 9,
            "sem": "VarDecl",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@343@F@main@entity_7",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_7"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 9,
            "sem": "DeclStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 10,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@343@F@main@entity_7",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 9
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_7"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 10,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "="
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 10,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "48"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 10,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 11,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@217@F@main@entity_1",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 6
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_1"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 11,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "="
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 11,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "51"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 11,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 12,
            "sem": "IfStmt",
            "text": "if"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 12,
            "sem": "IfStmt",
            "text": "("
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 12,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@343@F@main@entity_7",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 9
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_7"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 12,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "<"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 12,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@133@F@main@entity_8",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 4
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_8"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 12,
            "sem": "IfStmt",
            "text": ")"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 12,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": "{"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 13,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@343@F@main@entity_7",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 9
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_7"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 13,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "="
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 13,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "79"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 13,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 14,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": "}"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 14,
            "sem": "IfStmt",
            "text": "else"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 14,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": "{"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 15,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@343@F@main@entity_7",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 9
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_7"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 15,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "="
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 15,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "39"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 15,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 16,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": "}"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 17,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@175@F@main@entity_4",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 5
                "type": "char [23]"
            "text": "entity_4"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 17,
            "sem": "ArraySubscriptExpr",
            "text": "["
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 17,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@217@F@main@entity_1",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 6
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_1"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 17,
            "sem": "ArraySubscriptExpr",
            "text": "]"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 17,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "="
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 17,
            "sem": "CharacterLiteral",
            "text": "'q'"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 17,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 18,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@301@F@main@entity_3",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 8
                "type": "char [44]"
            "text": "entity_3"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 18,
            "sem": "ArraySubscriptExpr",
            "text": "["
            "kind": "Identifier",
            "line": 18,
            "sem": "DeclRefExpr",
            "sym": {
                "id": "c:0a5ca1430d.c@343@F@main@entity_7",
                "kind": "VarDecl",
                "ref": {
                    "file": "/mnt/data/src/0a5ca1430d.c",
                    "linenum": 9
                "type": "int"
            "text": "entity_7"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 18,
            "sem": "ArraySubscriptExpr",
            "text": "]"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 18,
            "sem": "BinaryOperator",
            "text": "="
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 18,
            "sem": "CharacterLiteral",
            "text": "'k'"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 18,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Keyword",
            "line": 19,
            "sem": "ReturnStmt",
            "text": "return"
            "kind": "Literal",
            "line": 19,
            "sem": "IntegerLiteral",
            "text": "0"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 19,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": ";"
            "kind": "Punctuation",
            "line": 20,
            "sem": "CompoundStmt",
            "text": "}"


  • filename,

  • tokens,

    • kind,
    • line,
    • sem
    • text