This repository contains code for paper "Bridging Pre-trained Models and Downstream Tasks for Source Code Understanding". (Accepted to the 44th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE 2022))
In this repository, we have the following directories:
./algorithm_classification # This subdirectory contains code for algorithm classification task.
+ ./code # Code for model training
+ ./ # Code for test-time augmentation
+ ./ # Code for the architecture of the pre-trained model
+ ./ # Code to implement pacing functions
+ ./ # Original Code to train (fine-tune) the pre-trained model
+ ./ # Fine-tune the pre-trained model in a general curriculum learning strategy
+ ./ # Fine-tune the pre-trained model in the class-based curriculum learning strategy (ours)
+ ./evaluator # Evaluate the pre-trained model on metrics (Precision and MAP)
./code_clone_detection # This subdirectory contains code for code clone detection task.
+ ./code # Code for model training
+ ./ # Code for the architecture of the pre-trained model
+ ./ # Code to implement pacing functions
+ ./ # Original Code to train (fine-tune) the pre-trained model
+ ./ # Fine-tune the pre-trained model with large (augmented) dataset without any curriculum learning strategy
+ ./ # Fine-tune the pre-trained model in the augmentation-based curriculum learning strategy (ours)
+ ./ # Code for test-time augmentation
+ ./evaluator # Evaluate the pre-trained model on metrics (Precision, Recall, and F1)
./codesearch # This subdirectory contains code for code search task.
+ ./dataset # Contains code to preprocess the dataset
+ ./parser # Contains code to extract control flow graph for GraphCodeBERT
+ ./ # Convert experimental results for test-time augmentation (align the retrieved results according to the urls of the queries)
+ ./ # Code for the architecture of the pre-trained model
+ ./ # Code to implement pacing functions
+ ./ # Original Code to train (fine-tune) and evaluate the pre-trained model
+ ./ # Fine-tune the pre-trained model with large (augmented) dataset without any curriculum learning strategy
+ ./ # Fine-tune the pre-trained model in the augmentation-based curriculum learning strategy (ours)
+ ./ # Code for test-time augmentation
./Validation for Hypothesis1 # This subdirectory contains data and results of the validation for Hypothesis1
+ ./hypothesis_1.log # The log file of the validation experiment for Hypothesis1
./data_preparation(4.1) # This subdirectory contains an example program for cleaning POJ104
+ ./ # The example program to remove the non-compliable programs
./statistical analysis # This subdirectory contains a statistical analysis for code clone detection on BigCloneBench
+ ./labels.npy # True labels (1 for cloned pairs, 0 for others)
+ ./scorest-graphcodebert.npy# Predictions (logits) made by original GraphCodeBERT
+ ./scorest_codebert.npy # Predictions (logits) made by the augmented CodeBERT which are fine-tuned by our approach
+ ./ # Code for t-test and effect size computation(Cohen's d)
./data for Analysis Section # This subdirectory contains data for Analysis Section (Section 5)
We apply our approach to code pre-trained models CodeBERT and GraphCodeBERT for fine-tuning.
Please refer to the subdirectory of tasks for more details!
For general fine-tuning (baseline models), please refer to algorithm classification, code clone detection, and code search.
We also provide datasets and pre-trained models fine-tuned by our approach to verify the results.
Our implementation is adapted from CodeXGLUE and GraphCodeBERT for the implementation of pre-trained models.
If you use this code, please consider citing us.
title={Bridging Pre-trained Models and Downstream Tasks for Source Code Understanding},
author={Deze Wang and Zhouyang Jia and Shanshan Li and Yue Yu and Yun Xiong and Wei Dong and Xiangke Liao},