
Daily forecast results for China A Shares. 适用于**A股的每日预测结果。所有文件在每个交易日20:00-20:30更新预测数据





对于所有排名靠前的 次新股、涨停票、以及ST票的预测,请慎重参考,在我个人的交易策略中,是剔除了这些票的。



In the trading strategy based on this forecast result, the cumulative return from the 20220104 to 20221118 exceeded 46%(after fee), and the excess return relative to the CSI300 reached 70%(after fee).The maximum retracement is 24%, the maximum excess retracement is 15%, and the average daily turnover rate of the investment portfolio within the backtest period is 52%.

Result parameter description: The ranking in the CSV file is the ranking result after the AI quantitative model normalizes the Label values of all individual stocks. The target of its Label prediction is the name of the folder (such as the closing price of T+2 divide by the closing price of T+1).The file date is T+1 day (that is, the next day), and the update date is T day.For the Label value itself(Data in the second column of CSV), you can ignore it, and the prediction only needs to refer to the stock ranking in each file.

Stock selection instructions: The final winning rate and profit depend entirely on your trading strategy. Even if you choose a stock with a high forecast ranking, but the position is not large (less than 5 stocks), the risk is extremely high. After systematic backtesting, a portfolio position of 15 stocks (and above) is a more prudent choice.

Please carefully refer to all the top-ranked sub-new stocks and forecasts of daily limit tickets.

Long-term (trend) forecasts are much more effective than short-term forecasts. For predictions that contain opening price information, the information ratio is very low, so the validity and accuracy are low relative to closing price information.

This is for your reference only!