
The project workflow

ECSE 484_project_work flow_new (1)

Three different models are generated

  1. 4Conv_2FC + CWUR-HUP-TCGA cohort(Dataset1)
  2. 4Conv_2FC + CWUR-HUP-TCGA-CINJ cohort(Dataset2)
  3. 3Conv_2FC + CWUR-HUP-TCGA-CINJ cohort(Dataset2)

CNN model configuation

Two model architectures are used

  1. 4Conv_2FC


  1. 3Conv_2FC


Dataset constitution

Two different datasets are used

  1. CWUR-HUP-TCGA cohort(Dataset1)
    CWUR-HUP-TCGA files used in training and validation set and CINJ used in test set.
    The numbers of image tiles extracted from four institutions are shown in the table

    Training:positive 3000 2000 2000 0
    Training:negative 3000 2000 2000 0
    Training: total 6000 4000 4000 0
    Validation:positive 500 500 500 0
    Validation:negative 500 500 500 0
    Validation: total 1000 1000 1000 0
    Testing:positive 0 0 0 1500
    Testing:negative 0 0 0 1500
    Testing:total 0 0 0 3000
  2. CWUR-HUP-TCGA-CINJ cohort(Dataset2)
    CWUR-HUP-TCGA-CINJ files used in training and validation set. CINJ used in test set

    Training:positive 1750 1750 1750 1750
    Training:negative 1750 1750 1750 1750
    Total training 3500 3500 3500 3500
    Validation:positive 375 375 375 375
    Validation:negative 375 375 375 375
    Validation:total 750 750 750 750
    Testing:positive 0 0 0 1500
    Testing:negative 0 0 0 1500
    Testing: total 0 0 0 3000

Probability map

The Probability map is obtain by following the following procedure

  1. Load model saved in disc
  2. Regularly sample a input WSI and execute image preprocessing. The position of each individual tile is tracked
  3. Predict the class of tach tile,obtain probablities
  4. Reassemble the tiles. Only tissue tiles are given with probalities and the probablities of non-tissue tiles are zero.
  5. Build heatmap