
A network assistant tool for macOS

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status


V2Net is a network assistant tool for macOS.

Some popular network tools are integrated, with the ability of adding new extensions without coding:

This is an alpha version.


System tray menu:

2018-06-12 9 37 24

Show whistle dashboard page in built-in browser:

2018-06-10 12 45 22


(If only you want to use the integrated whistle extension,) Node.js is needed.

Install Node.js with Homebrew:

brew install node
# or:
# brew install node@8

Or download installer from https://nodejs.org/en/


Download latest release:


Unpack and drag V2Net.app to Application folder.


Example of profile.ini

skip-proxy =,,,,, localhost, *.local, ::ffff:0:0:0:0/1, ::ffff:128:0:0:0/1
# proxy/bypass/capture: extensions selected last time
proxy = ✈️Beijing
bypass = 🚄Privoxy
capture =
# system: whether V2Net is set as system proxy last time
system = false
Port = 8014
InnerPortProxy = 8114
InnerPortBypass = 8214

# The order of values is defined in "keys" field of extension.json in extension folders
# name = extension_name, *values
✈️Beijing = ss, server_ip, 12345, chacha20-ietf-poly1305, password, 60, true
🇨🇳Shenzhen = vmess, example.org, 443, /ws, uuid
🇨🇳Hangzhou = gost, ss, chacha20:password@server_ip, 12345
🇯🇵Tokyo = gost, socks5, server_ip, 12345
🇺🇸Denver = gost, http, server_ip, 12345

# Same as proxy, privoxy preferred
🚄Privoxy = privoxy, ,, , privoxy.txt
#🚄Gost = gost, ,, , gost.txt

# Same as proxy
🛠️Whistle = whistle

Remember to backup config before manual upgrade.


  1. Open Extension Folder

  2. Enter/Create specific Extension Directroy

  3. Modify/Create extension.json

    bin: Main binary of extensions.

    args: Arguments for binary to start with.

    url: Dashboard url for capture extension.

    exitargs: Arguments for binary to quit with.(If left blank, binary process will be stopped when stopping the extension)

    keys: Keys to render by jinja2, whose values are in profile.ini

    http: Whether the extension serve as a http proxy.

    socks5: Whether the extension serve as a socks5 proxy

    render: Render the template files in Extension Directroy

    default: Default vaules to render.

      "bin": "./extension/myext/bin/mybinary",
      "args": "-p {{ ExtensionPort }} -c ./extension/myext/myconfig.ini",
      "url": "{{ ExtensionPort }}",
      "exitargs": "",
      "keys": ["ServerProtocol", "ServerAddress", "SeverPort", "ServerPassword"],
      "http": false,
      "socks5": true,
      "render": {"mytemplate.jinja": "myconfig.ini"},
      "default": {"ServerAddress":"example.com"}

    jinja2 is used as render engine, which render {{ key }} as values from the profile.ini as well as from default values, which also supports logic causes like {{% if %}} {{% endif %}}.


    • {{ ExtensionPort }} will always be rendered as the proper value depending on your settings in profile.ini
    • If an extension is running as a secondary proxy, {{ ServerPort }} and {{ ServerProtocol }} will be automatically rendered as http or socks5 when left blank.


    brew install python
    git clone https://github.com/deepjia/v2net.git
    python3 -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python setup.py py2app