Jira Clone

React 17 + React Hook + TypeScript


AntDesign Emotion: CSS in JS FlexBox, Grid System


How to mock data?

  1. mock.js advantages:
  • Separate the front-end and back-end
  • Generate random variables


  • Fake data
  • Only support ajax, not support fetch
  1. 接口管理工具 (rap, swagger, moco, yapi) 配置复杂,依赖后端

  2. Local Json-server Best one


URL represents resources/object, method represents behavior

GET /tickets //列表
GET /tickets/12 //详情
POST /tickets //增加
PUT /tickets/12 替换
PATCH /tickets/12 修改
DELETE /tickets/12 删除

Utility Type and Type alias

type FavoriteNumber = string | number;
let roseFavoriteNumber: FavoriteNumber = "6";

类型别名在很多情况下能和 interface 互换 主要区别:

  1. Interface cannot replace type
  2. Interface cannot replace utility type (parameter 就是类型别名) JS 中的 typeof 是在 runtime 运行的,TS 中的是在静态环境中运行的

Most commonly used utility type:

type Person = {
  name: string;
  age: number;
const Xiaoming: Partial<Person> = {};
const shenMiRen: Omit<Person, "name"> = { age: 8 };

type Partial<T> = {
  [P in keyof T]?: T[P];


Custom Hooks Custom antd library (Craco)