CARTE Education Pathways

Chenyan Wang
This repo is a clone of

Lab 3 - Activity 1

Screenshot of docker version.
alt text

Lab 3 - Activity 2

Screenshot of cloned repo and updated readme.
alt text
Readme: alt text

Lab 3 - Activity 3

Screenshot of building the docker image.
alt text
Build log after docker image build is complete:
alt text

Lab 3 - Activity 4

Screenshot of the flask app running and the docker image.
Flask app:
alt text
Docker image:
alt text

Lab 3 - Activity 5

This section will describe one functional and one non-functional requirement of the system and how they could be improved.

Functional Requirement - Search/Filter Function

Currently there is a filter function that allows the user to filter the search results by division, department or campus. Currently if the user adds a filter to restrict the courses by divison, department, or campus, with an empty search term, no results come up. To improve the search/filter functionality, can list all courses that fit under the division/department/campus if the user puts on a search filter but does not input any search terms. Additionally, can also improve the search term feature by providng autocomplete suggestions and allow for course code lookup.

Non-Functional Requirement - Usability

Currently the system allows for users to filter searches for courses by course year, and also restrict by division, department or campus. However, this can be very cumbersome if users wanted to look for all courses matching a search term, regardless of course year. For example, if they wanted to search "drama" and get the results for 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year to plan out the remainder of their university degree, they would have to perform 3 individual searches to get the results they want.


Welcome to CARTE's in-development tool for course selection at UofT. Education Pathways allows for more intelligent course searching, by matching not just the terms you search, but ones relevant to them. The more terms you search for, the more relevant your results will be! Even try searching across disciplines for the courses that best cover each.

Whatever year you are looking for, Education Pathways will also suggest courses in earlier years that will best help you to prepare. To get the most out of this, try searching for courses in a later year and see what is suggested for your current one.

We are looking for feedback to improve Education Pathways and make it more useful for students. If you have ideas or suggestions, please email us!

Setup Instructions

With Docker

Repository files:

./Procfile ./ tells gunicorn how to run the program

./environment.yml ./requirements.txt specifies python requirements for anaconda and pip respectively

./ main flask code

./ this file

./resources: contains datasets used in the program

course_vectorizer.pickle df_processed.pickle

course_vectors.npz graph.pickle

./static: contains any static elements of the webpage, in this case just the CARTE logo CARTE_logo.jpg

./templates: contains flask templates for rendering HTML

_formhelpers.html course.html index.html results.html