
ぺこぺこぺこぺこぺこぺこぺこぺこ AH HA↑ HA↑ HA↑ HA↑ HA↑

Primary LanguageVue

Pekora button

Pekora button


Related Links:

Other buttons:


Please fork this project for modification, and after completing the modification, initiate a Pull Request in this project.

Add / Modify Peko Button

A Peko Button need two files:

  • A MP3 file put in /public/voices

  • A JSON file put in /public/meta, with the following definitions:

        "file": "MP3-file-name-here",
        "category": "Category number here",
        "name": {
            "en": "English button name",
            "ja": "Japanese button name",
        "url": "Youtube-source-URL-with-t=timestamp"

For category numbers, check out public/categories.json. It doesn't matter if the category number is of type string or number. You can also create a new one (if it's used widely enough)

For name, new languages can be added (i.e: vn). Check the src/lang folder for consistency. English will be used as default for unknown translation names.


  • The JSON file should have the same name with the MP3 one (for maintainability).
  • Normalize audio voices to 100% (I'll implement a volume balancer soon)

If you are modifying voice/meta, delete the original files after modification.

Site translation

The site's language is defined in src/lang folder.

Any translation/contribution is welcome :D.

Deploying a local development environment (copied from Aqua Button)

This site is developed using VueJS.

To deploy a local development environment, first install the latest version of Node. Then follow these steps:

  1. Clone the code.

  2. Go to the code directory and run npm install.

  3. Run npm run serve. During the code modification process, this local development server can immediately reflect the results of the modification.

  4. To compile the files for deployment, run npm run build, which will generate the dist directory. This site is completely static, you can directly deploy the entire dist directory.

To contribute your code to this project, you don't have to compile locally. After passing the test in the development server and pushing it to Github, you can directly require a Pull Request to this project.

What's next

  • More Peko Buttons

  • Code refactoring (currently messy af imo)

  • Context menu

  • Volume balancer

  • A .moe domain :D

  • ...


Program: MIT

Audio: According to the Hololive secondary creation licence.

This project is a work of enthusiasts and is not related to the hololive official.

Special Thanks

This project is inspired by Aqua Button - Homepage


Well, I thought about forking & modifying aqua-button (by replacing with Pekora's voices), but I think I can make some major improvements for it. Therefore, I re-created the page from scratch.

This is my first VueJS/GitHub Page project too. I really hope to receive feedbacks/contributions. Thank you!