Residual Error based Anomaly Detection Using Auto-Encoder in SMD Machine Sound


This is the implementation of the paper "Residual Error based Anomaly Detection Using Auto-Encoder in SMD Machine Sound" by Dong Yul Oh and Il Dong Yun.

For more information check out the paper [PDF] on MDPI Sensors.

All of these scripts are based on the [sample] dataset provided in our paper. Note that all rights reserved to [Crevis Co., Ltd], and only a few samples for the SMD machine sound can be released. The experimental results of this demo may differ (have poorer performance) from those in the paper because of the lack of training data.

Getting started


Python 3.5.0
Tensorflow 1.4.0
Psutil 5.4.1
Numpy 1.13.3
Matplotlib 1.2.0
Librosa 0.5.1

Training & Validation

Script: data pre-processing and building tfrecords. the network architecture as proposed in our paper. training script for this model.

python transforms the audio files in each class into the tfrecords using STFT.
python test checks if the tfrecords is created properly.
python --train=true trains the model only with normal data.
python measures AUC and the residual errors for each abnormal and normal test case.


If you use this code in your project, please cite our paper:

    AUTHOR         = {Oh, Dong  Yul and Yun, Il  Dong},
    TITLE          = {Residual Error Based Anomaly Detection Using Auto-Encoder in SMD Machine Sound},
    JOURNAL        = {Sensors},
    VOLUME         = {18},
    YEAR           = {2018},
    NUMBER         = {5},
    ARTICLE NUMBER = {1308},
    URL            = {},
    ISSN           = {1424-8220},
    DOI            = {10.3390/s18051308}