
Use stripe-node in a Cloudflare Worker.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

stripe-node Cloudflare Worker Template

This is a template for setting up a Cloudflare Worker which uses stripe-node. The wrangler CLI tool is used for publishing.


To generate using wrangler

wrangler generate projectname https://github.com/stripe-samples/stripe-node-cloudflare-worker-template

Further documentation for Wrangler can be found here.


You can build and publish your worker using:

 STRIPE_API_KEY="<YOUR API KEY HERE>" wrangler publish

This will build your application using Webpack and publish it. If this is your first time publishing, it will create a new worker named my-stripe-worker under your account. If all goes well, the command will output a URL that looks something like https://my-stripe-worker.<your user name>.workers.dev where your worker is available.

Alternatively, you can specify STRIPE_API_KEY as an environment variable and use:

wrangler publish

Cloudflare Secrets

Cloudflare Workers offer a secrets infrastructure for storing an encrypted secret. You can use this instead of relying on an environment variable.

  1. Publish your worker at least once using the above instructions to bootstrap the worker.
  2. Remove the DefinePlugin from webpack.config.js.
  3. Run wrangler secret put STRIPE_API_KEY. This will prompt you to enter your secret (ie. your Stripe API key).

This only needs to be done the first time you are configuring up your new worker. It will persist across deployments. Once set up, you can publish using:

wrangler publish