
A portal from where users can create a poll, and view the updates as votes are casted, in real time.

GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A portal from where users can create a poll, and view the updates as votes are casted, in real time.

Please make sure you have read the participation guidelines available here: Mozilla Community Participation Guidelines

RealTimePolls is a web portal, from where users can create a new poll for whatever they want. They can add poll entities and descriptions, maybe even images, while setting up their poll. The system then gives them a unique poll-id, which they can share with their intended audience. The UI will then update in real time, as and when new votes are casted. This can be used in any scenario where community views are required. The visualizations need to be soothing, and intuitive (even for non-technical users).

The major work involved will be for the following:

  1. Web Interface (maybe using Nodejs or asp.net core)
  2. Real time UI update (can be using Socket.IO or SignalR)
  3. Generating poll visualizations (something like D3.js)

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