
Web application with the intended use of the Twilio API to send SMS reminders of post-operative instructions for MangoHacks 2019.

Primary LanguageHTML


My mom recently went through surgery, where she was given several home care instructions that she was required to follow. From not being able to eat anything but clear liquids for 24 hours, to being unable to lift anything for 72 hours or drive for 2 weeks, there were so many medical limitations that were difficult for her and the rest of our family to remember. So, we designed an application that would make it easier for both patients and their caregivers to keep track of and follow all of the doctor's orders!

What it does

RemedEve is a web application (named after my mom, Evelyn!) with the intended use of the Twilio API to send SMS reminders of post-operative instructions.

How we built it

Lots of love, sleep deprivation, coffee, Awake chocolate, and HTML/CSS. Also nugs, hugs, and fixing lots of bugs.

Challenges we ran into

While we were able to create functions using the Twilio API that would integrate well within our website, some difficulties were found when trying to run the Twilio API on HTML files. We were capable of making a reminder function that would alert a user about do's and don'ts reminders, but couldn't find a way to link it on the HTML file.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud of everything that we accomplished as a group of 3 sophomores and 1 junior. It was a learning process from the beginning stages of planning the web pages to the final result of successfully linking all our files together for a cohesive website. Not only did we focus on each of our individual pages for the optimum user experience, but we communicated AMAZINGLY!!!

What we learned

For some of our team members, it was their first time using HTML & CSS, but they were able to code several lines of front-end content, and even create their own web pages. I learned how to better implement APIs.

What's next for RemedEve

The next step for RemedEve is to make a mobile application so that we can send reminders directly to the users without having to go through an SMS channel.

Built With

HTML, CSS, and (attempted) Node.js.