
Front-end Programming Test for Chesskid

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Logo Front-end test


  • Node.js 12+

Setting it up

  1. Clone this repository
  2. In the server folder run npm i && node index

This will run the mock server at port 8000 from where you'll consume the API for the test.


You'll create 2 pages and we'll give you the design for the first one, so you should implement it to look the closest as possible and for the other page, you should use your creativity to implement the way you want.

  • Create your code inside a client folder. We should be able to run your app through npm run serve;
  • Use Vue 2 or Vue 3;
  • Styling frameworks like Bootstrap, Material Design, Vuetify should NOT be used since they won't allow us to properly assess your styling skills. Use SASS for styling;
  • It should be a Single Page Application, so whenever the user navigates between pages it should not reload;
  • Document your code when appropriate to make it cleaner;
  • Use Typescript;
  • Add state management to your app.

Page 1: Home

According to the following images:

Desktop Mobile
Page desktop Page mobile
  • your layout will be responsive having a single breakpoint of 1024 pixels (mobile and desktop)
  • on desktop:
    • the content has a maximum width of 1024 pixels and is centralized
    • the menu is on the left and scrolls together with the rest of the page
  • on mobile:
    • the content has a margin of 20 pixels
    • the menu has the same items and goes to the bottom being always visible over the rest of the page
  • friends list:
    • the user should be able to filter the list searching for a text included in either first or last name
    • paginate (show 10 items per page)
  • friend card:
    • add a link that will navigate to the Friend details page
    • each card is collapsable allowing the user to toggle additional friend's details visibility

Page 2: Friend details

Create your design here and show all details of the selected friend.

  • the URL should be /friend/:id where the id is a parameter passed from the Home page
  • the user should be allowed to return to the Home page through a link or navigate to the previous or next friend


  • make use of effects and CSS animations
  • highlight the filter text in the search results
  • create a single test using Jest

Endpoints and assets

You can get all assets directly from the root URL, e.g. "/logo.png".

The only endpoint you'll consume is /api/get-friends which returns the following schema:

Field Name Type Description
id number Friend's unique identifier
firstName string First name
lastName string Last name
email string E-mail
gender string Gender
avatar string Avatar URL
url string Random url
bio string Biography
birthday number Birthday in UNIX timestamp
gamesCount number Number of games played
isAdmin boolean Is a system administrator?