(c) Mark Fitzgibbon 2017
Quickly generate parametric meshes of stalks of bamboo in Blender
Requires Blender, v2.78 preferred. Code is not intended nor designed to work as a standalone Python program.
User can pull, fork, or download this tool's source code from b3d-bamboo Repository
Addon can be called through the Add Object menu, as Bamboo Generator Spawns a bamboo stalk mesh at the 3D cursor location
Useer can adjust parameters to customize bamboo stalk
- Stalk Radius: Radius of the main stalk body
- Inner Radius: Radius of the inside of the stalk, as % of stalk
- Ridge Radius: Radius of the protruding ridge, as % of stalk
- Segments: Number of cuts around stalk (minimum 3)
- Vertical Segments: Number of cuts high (ridge to ridge)
- Segment Height: Height of an individual segment
- Ridge Height: Height of the ridge radius, as % of segment
Mesh is not automatically textured or assigned materials