
This is the repository for the embedded watch source for Bluetooth 2.1 and 4.0 for models WDS111, WDS112, and SW12. This tree is designed for TI Code Composer Studio (CCS) and IAR Embedded Workbench® for TI MSP430. This project has all the modules of the firmware including GUI, Bluetooth stack, background threads, and remote protocol handler. Different branches may be used for more divergent projects. TI's Code Composer firmware IDE is supported in this same firmware repository as the IAR version. The CCS IDE is available for FREE to all Meta Watch users that purchased a WDS11x development system or a development clip for STRATA or FRAME. Until there is a special download site, just get the 30 evaluation version and email ccs@metawatch.org when you need your license upgraded.

Primary LanguageC

This project contains the BT Stack and Wrapper (and the application).

Instructions for building .a43 flash file (use the blue clip for flashing):
1. Start IAR
2. Select “Bootloader” as the configuration;
3. Build the configuration;
4. Open the generated .map file from “Project -> Bootloader -> List” folder;
5. Search for “EndofImage”;
6. Copy the last 5 digits of the “ADDRESS”, e.g. 5A5A5;
7. Open “LinkerConfigurationBootloader.xcl” file at “Project” folder;
8. Replace the last 5 digits in the last line “0x42B9E” with the copied 5 digits, e.g. 5A5A5;
9. Rebuild.

The Code Composer Studio 5 is supported for building flash file for STRATA/FRAME (using Gen2 CCS project configuration) and WDS112 (using Gen1 CCS project configuration). 

The developer clip for flashing STRATA is here: http://shop.metawatch.com/collections/accessories/products/accessory-developer-black-strata.

The developer clip for flashing FRAME and WDS112 is here: http://shop.metawatch.com/collections/accessories/products/accessory-developer-black-frame.

The supported version of IAR is 5.51. You can check screen shots of the IAR project configuration in the Docs folder if you can't open the project file in older version of IAR.