
A place I go to calm myself down and code.

Primary LanguagePython


A place I go to calm myself down and code.

This is the idea

So, I don't exactly have a reason to be opening this account, my code is not exactly great, but I do love coding, I guess that for the first few times I will try to do the Euler Project Challenges, the ones that I find interesting, I suppose that will be fun.

--The first one is challenge 12, What is the first triangle number with more than 500 divisors?--

--I felt like trying my hand with prime numbers, so here is problem 7, what is the 10001st prime?--

--The primes number was fun, trying problem 3 now, what is the largest prime factor of 600851475143?--

--Problem 4 I solved pretty much by brute force, not proud of it, but it looks nice and is easy to understand. The largest palindrome that is a product of two three digit numbers.--

--Problem 5 now, What is the smallest number that can be evenly divisible by all numbers from 1 to 20--

--Problem 14, What number under a million gives the longest collatz sequence?--

--A case peaked my interest, numbers n such that nˆ2 and nˆ4 have the same digital sum.--

--So, I've decided to write a function for concatenation. It's here somewhere. EDIT, just fixed that, so that I can import the function into other programs--

For some reason I really can't decide if I want to keep using sublime or start using atom, I mean, both of them are exactly the same, atom has git integration, and sublime has easy package managing.

Or at least that's how they feel.

So, now I will try to understand how the hell does the software PWM function works in the cusco, I have a sample code for it, in the folder inside the project, when i figure out how it works I'll write a song for the buzzer on the board.

Time has gone by and sublime is not even installed anymore, I think that the community got me behind atom way faster than sublime did, made some friends and got some help, atom is now my main text editor. I've figured out a long time ago how the PWM function works, pretty usual to be honest.