
Basic web app scaffold.

Primary LanguageCSS


A Marionette scaffold using the following libs:

  • Marionette - Backbone view library
  • Backbone - MV* library on top of jQuery and Underscore
  • RxJs - Reactive event streams

Web-App uses a Grunt task runner and the following tasks

  • compass - compile SASS to css
  • babel - transpile ES6 to ES5
  • docco - auto documentation
  • plato - complexity analysis
  • jasmine - unit testing
  • istanbul - test coverage
  • requirejs - js concatenation optimization and minification
  • imagemin - image optimization
  • connect - create servers

It includes 2 bash scripts bash start and bash stop that will fire up web pages with dev and prod versions of the app along with reports about the app. Web-App uses JSCS to enforce code style.


  • Clone the repo
  • Install NPM deps
  • Install Bower deps
  • Build the project
  • The default grunt task will watch file changes
  • Start reporting servers with bash start


The gruntfile will probably look dramatically different from the ones you typically find out there. It builds the typically extensive task configuration from a sequence of configuration files stored at grunt/config. It registers tasks from files in the grunt/register-task directory.


This app is set up to test with Jasmine, using Sinon for faking XMLHttpRequests and Jasmine-jQuery for working with fixtures.

Test Goals

Source: “Backbone.js Testing.” iBooks


  • Objects can be instantiated with supplied and/or default values
  • Data can be synchronized with a backing datastore (for example, localStorage or a REST server)
  • Custom and built-in events fire and/or are consumed on appropriate state changes
  • Validation logic accurately distinguishes the correctness of attribute data”


  • Collection objects can be created with or without an array of model objects
  • Model objects can be added and removed from a collection
  • Events are triggered on container and model changes
  • Data is appropriately synchronized with the backend


  • Template objects render the appropriate HTML output with the provided data
  • Complex data structures such as arrays and objects are correctly interpolated in the template output


  • Views can render the target HTML, binding model data to a template string
  • View objects provided with an el property get added to the DOM on creation
  • View methods correctly bind to DOM and Backbone.js events, and respond appropriately
  • Objects contained by a view (for example, subviews and models) are properly disposed on the view removal


  • URL routes are accurately matched to appropriate views or other actions
  • A router maintains the browser history correctly after navigation events