
An introductory project that provides a comprehensive and easy-to-understand exploration of the fundamental concepts of operating systems. 😄

Primary LanguageHTMLGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Project Name: Operating Systems 101 for [RTMNU] B.Sc. Computer Science Freshers

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Welcome to "Operating Systems 101," a comprehensive learning resource designed specifically for B.Sc. Computer Science freshers. This project aims to provide you with a solid foundation in understanding the fundamental concepts of operating systems.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Features
  3. Topics Covered
  4. License

Getting Started

To get started with "Operating Systems 101," you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the following URL: https://Chetan-Raut.github.io/Operating-Systems-101

  2. Navigate through the various sections of the website to learn about different operating system concepts. You can use the menu, buttons, and links to access different topics and interactive content.

  3. Feel free to interact with the provided simulations and examples to enhance your understanding of operating systems.


  • Beginner-friendly and easy-to-understand explanations of operating systems concepts.
  • Well-structured content with clear examples and diagrams for enhanced comprehension.
  • Covers essential topics, as per the B.Sc. Computer Science syllabus, to meet academic requirements.
  • Each topic provides a comprehensive overview, making it suitable for self-study and exam preparation.
  • Open-source and licensed under GNU General Public License version 3 (GNU GPL v3) to promote collaboration and sharing within the community.

Topics Covered

UNIT I: Structure and Process Management

  1. Operating System Structure
  2. Functions of an Operating System
  3. Characteristics of Modern OS
  4. Process Management:
    • Process States
    • Creation and Termination
    • Operations and Concurrency
    • Threads and Multithreading
    • Micro Kernels
  5. CPU Scheduling:
    • Schedulers
    • Scheduling Methodology
    • Algorithms: FCFS, SJF, RR, Priority

UNIT II: Performance, Deadlock, and Starvation

  1. Performance Comparison:
    • Deterministic Modeling
    • Queuing Analysis
    • Simulators
  2. Deadlock and Starvation:
    • Resource Allocation Graph
    • Conditions, Prevention, Detection, Recovery

UNIT III: Memory Management and Protection

  1. Memory Management:
    • Logical vs. Physical Address
    • Swapping, Dynamic Loading, Linking
    • Allocation Methods: Single, Multiple Partitions
    • Compaction, Paging, Segmentation
  2. Protection

UNIT IV: I/O Management, File Systems, and Security

  1. I/O Management:
    • Hardware, Buffering, Disk I/O
    • RAID, Disk Cache
  2. File Systems:
    • Management System
    • Access Methods, Directories, Allocation
    • Space and Disk Management, Record Blocking
  3. Protection Mechanisms:
    • Cryptography, Digital Signature, Authentication

Resources and Reference

Here are some recommended resources for further learning about Operating Systems:

  • Operating Systems by P. Balakrishna Prasad [Scitech Publication]
  • Operating System Concepts by Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg
  • Operating Systems - H.M. Deitel - Addision Wesley
  • Operating System : A.S.Godbole (TMH Publication)


GNU General Public License version 3 (GNU GPL v3).

We hope "Operating Systems 101" enriches your understanding of operating systems and provides you with valuable insights to succeed in your journey.If you have any questions or feedback, you can reach out to us through the "Contact" page on the website. Happy learning! 😉