REST Api's to authenticate user by Phone & OTP using Django Rest Framework

End Points are tested on postman and full details of each endpoint is given in the image stepwise

Before using the api we need to install the project in your machine.

If you are working in backend part and want to integrate this in your backend then :

For Adding code files in backend

- Install python and activate virtual environment
- Create the django app 
  django-admin startproject "your project name"
  Copy the All_Users folder into your django project.
  Add urls and All_Users name in the and of main folder of django
  Steps to migrate changes in the database :
  python makemigrations All_Users
  python migrate
  Now, you can use end points given in the images below

For using end points only

- Install python and activate virtual environment
- git clone
- cd Project1
- pip install -r requirement.txt
- python runserver
- Now you can use end points given in the images below


/send_otp /verify_user /Register /login