
⚛ ReactFondue is minimal React boilerplate with support for code splitting, hot module reload and server side rendering.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


CircleCI Dependencies

ReactFondue is minimal React boilerplate with support for code splitting, hot module reload and server side rendering.

👇 Includes
Babel 7
📦 Webpack 4
React 16
🕸 CSS Modules
🎨 PostCSS
🤖 Express Server
🔥 Hot Module Replacement
✂️ Code Splitting
🛎 Server Side Rendering

Install dependencies

npm install

Runs the app in the development mode

Build and open your browser to http://localhost:8080.

npm run dev

Linting JS & CSS

npm run lint

Builds and runs the app in production

npm run prod

Ready to deploy 🚀