
Stock is an interactive data-visualization application built with JavaScript, AJAX, D3, and Alpha Advantage API. Showcases top tech companies annual stock values by month in D3's interactive radial tree node, also known as a Sunburst. The application utilizes D3's line graph with historical and predictive data by a searched Stock.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Main Page Stock is an intuitive and informative web application which is backed with predictive and historical data of stocks. Thoroughly implementing D3's data visualization.

User will be able to search a company's particular stock.


  • Top Five Companies
    • Showcased with an interactive sunburst chart of Top Five Tech Companies and their stock values throughout 2017.
  • Search
  • Allows user to search for a particular stock using Alpha Advantage API.
  • Sunburst
    • Interactive D3 Sunburst Chart with zoomability and breadcrumbs.
  • Line Graph
    • Rendered stock open and high value with D3.


Sunburst Inactive

Sunburst is created with D3 which utilizes functionalities of tree nodes and render within a radial pattern.

Sunburst Active

Breadcrumbs are rendered when hovered to show the sequence of the tree map to reaching a section.

function mouseover(d) {
  // getAncestors Array sequence
  let parents = getParents(d);
  // drop opacity of all paths
  d3.selectAll('#sunburst svg g path')
    .style('opacity', 0.3);

    .filter(function(node) {
      return (parents.indexOf(node) >= 0);
    .style("opacity", 1);



Allows search of any stock with their corresponding symbol. Updates Line Graph when found.

Line Graph

Future Direction Of Project

  • Add more interactive functionalities to Line Graph
  • Give more direction for end user
  • Improve the sunburst with more data which divides stocks into different business sectors.