
Primary LanguageJavaScript


Kaabo is a work in progress side-project I'm using to teach myself React and Node. This repo only contains the back-end for the project and is nowhere near usable.

The project consists of 3 pillars: this back-end, a react front-end and a contentful.com space with the data. The react-front-end is shown on a kiosk-device, which fetches the content from the contentful cms. Contentful will probably be stripped out in a later stage.

What Kaabo does

When a client enters the building they are presented a list of companies, they can then filter the companies and find an employee to contact. This contact request is routed via the NodeJs back-end which sends a Facebook Messenger message to the employee and presents them with a set of buttons to indicate how long the client will have to wait.

Deploy to Heroku



  • Create a Facebook Page
  • Create a new app and add the Messenger platform at developer.facebook.com
    • Messenger

      • generate a token and enter this as the PAGE_ACCESS_TOKEN env
      • select messages, messaging_postbacks, messaging_optins as your webhook events
    • Webhooks

      • press edit subscription and enter a verify token (random string of your liking), you'll need to enter this token in the VERIFY_TOKEN env
      • deploy your app and enter the url of your new heroku app with /webhook at the end
  • Open {your-url}/enable-greeting to enable the 'Get started' button and disable the composer screen for the bot.
  • POST to {your-url}/notify to send a notification (currently not implemented, unless you manually copy/paste your psid from the heroku logs to the notify method in routes/index.js)