Pinned issues
- 3
Use PHP attributes for plugins
#156 opened by chesn0k - 0
Add a command to generate Authentication\Provider
#195 opened by uniquename - 1
Add object oriented hook implementations
#194 opened by rodrigoaguilera - 1
SDC generator should support slots
#190 opened by PierrePaul - 0
memcache support
#189 opened by joecorall - 0
Update DCG to place migration yml in migrations directory instead of migration directory
#186 opened by bhanu951 - 1
Allow a custom module to be specified as the target location for a new sdc
#115 opened by lukewhitmore - 6
Recipe generator
#182 opened by PierrePaul - 10
- 5
Revise generator list for 4.x
#155 opened by Chi-teck - 0
Migrate to PhpStan
#157 opened by Chi-teck - 5
Consider removing DI questions from generators
#176 opened by Chi-teck - 1
Shouldn't tests use "stark" theme now?
#173 opened by JPustkuchen - 0
Create an access policy generator
#165 opened by weitzman - 5
Update plugin generators to use PHP attributes
#114 opened by Chi-teck - 3
Commit fails after update to 3.6.0
#158 opened by SirClickALot - 4
Release for Symfony 7 compatibility
#152 opened by AlexSkrypnyk - 0
Add a command to generate plugin derivative
#148 opened by bhanu951 - 1
- 0
Single Directory Component generator refers to metadata.json instead of .component.yml file
#119 opened by wotnak - 4
Parent QuestionHelper class is instantiated in some cases and causes a fatal error
#112 opened by nmangold - 0
Config entity form template does not use entity class for machine name exists check
#137 opened by stefan-korn - 5
- 0
Add a command to generate batch service
#130 opened by bhanu951 - 0
Apply Drupal code style for declare(strict_types=1);
#121 opened by Chi-teck - 6
Class naming convention
#124 opened by jurgenhaas - 2
- 2
Drupal Code Generator generates Constraint Validator with wrong constructor definition
#118 opened by bhanu951 - 1
Drush code gen fails to generate Drush Alias File
#116 opened by bhanu951 - 3
Add "drush generate readme" command
#99 opened by JPustkuchen - 1
- 2
- 1
- 10
generate entity:content adds wrong permissions
#102 opened by superromeo - 4
Legacy generator support
#104 opened by neclimdul - 5
- 5
- 3
What is the purpose of this module
#90 opened by ugintl - 9
Rethink the namespace for Entity Bundle Classes
#74 opened by drubb - 2
Create command for generate post_update file
#94 opened by batkor - 6
- 3
Minor issue with `drush generate service:custom`
#91 opened by ultimike - 2
Drop support for global installation
#76 opened by Chi-teck - 1
Access level to DrupalCodeGenerator\Command\Generator::getDestination() must be public
#68 opened by anakinjay - 2
Remove asset-packagist as a repo source
#84 opened by jameswilson - 3
core: 8.x in
#72 opened by PetersRicardo - 0
- 3
Add `All`option to entity:bundle-class
#77 opened by weitzman - 4
Add support for Twig v3
#75 opened by andy-blum - 2
entity-bundle-class suggestions
#71 opened by weitzman