
Primary LanguagePython

    Project:    mapInMap



scons       // will create executable file sss at ./, and temporary files in ./Scons
scons -c    // clean up
more details in SConstruct


How to use Cscope and Ctags? It help your coding more efficiency.

## Cscope:

1.  cd into "RootDir of this project"(where holds src and include, etc)

2.  create cscope* files
  cscope -Rbq

3.  then, while you use vim open a source file,
  3.1     :cs add /SomePathTo/cscope.out /SomePath
  3.2     :cs find g anyThing
  3.3     :cs find c anyThing

4.  show the outputs of 1.3 in a window, do in vim
        (if report errors, be sure that this line ":set cscopequickfix=s-,c-,d-,i-,t-,e-" in your ~/.vimrc)

## Ctags:

1.  cd into "RootDir of this project"(where holds src and include, etc)

2.  create tags file
  ctags -R

3.  then, while you use vim open a source file,
  3.1   :set tags=/SomePathTo/tags
  3.2   Ctrl+] OR Ctrl+T to find something

## Valgrind

1.  add option -g while compiling codes

2.  run: valgrind [valgrind-options] your-prog [your-prog-options]