
Everything about Transfer Learning and Domain Adaptation--迁移学习

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迁移学习 Transfer Learning

MIT License

关于迁移学习的所有资料,包括:介绍、综述文章、最新文章、代表工作及其代码、常用数据集、硕博士论文、比赛等等。(可能是目前最全的迁移学习资料库?) 欢迎一起贡献!

Everything about Transfer Learning (Probably the most complete repository?). Your contribution is highly valued!

如果认为本仓库有用,请在你的论文和其他出版物中进行引用! If you find this repo helpful, please cite it as follows:

howpublished = {\url{http://transferlearning.xyz}},   
title = {Everything about Transfer Learning and Domain Adapation},  
author = {Wang, Jindong and others}  

目录 Table of contents



迁移学习文章汇总 Awesome transfer learning papers

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1.Introduction and Tutorials

2.Transfer Learning Areas and Papers

Related articles by research areas:


3.Theory and Survey

Here are some articles on transfer learning theory and survey.


请见这里 | Please see HERE for some popular transfer learning codes.

5.Transfer Learning Scholars

Here are some transfer learning scholars and labs.


Please refer to here to see a complete list.

  • Qiang Yang:中文名杨强。香港科技大学计算机系讲座教授,迁移学习领域世界性专家。IEEE/ACM/AAAI/IAPR/AAAS fellow。[Google scholar]

  • Sinno Jialin Pan:杨强的学生,香港科技大学博士,现任新加坡南洋理工大学助理教授。迁移学习领域代表性综述A survey on transfer learning的第一作者(Qiang Yang是二作)。[Google scholar]

  • Wenyuan Dai:中文名戴文渊,上海交通大学硕士,现任第四范式人工智能创业公司CEO。迁移学习领域著名的牛人,在顶级会议上发表多篇高水平文章,每篇论文引用量巨大。[Google scholar]

  • Lixin Duan:中文名段立新,新加坡南洋理工大学博士,现就职于电子科技大学,教授。[Google scholar]

  • Fuzhen Zhuang:中文名庄福振,中科院计算所博士,现任中科院计算所副研究员。[Google scholar]

  • Mingsheng Long:中文名龙明盛,清华大学博士,现任清华大学助理教授、博士生导师。[Google scholar]

  • Qingyao Wu:中文名吴庆耀,现任华南理工大学副教授。主要做在线迁移学习、异构迁移学习方面的研究。[Google scholar]

  • Weike Pan:中文名潘微科,杨强的学生,现任深圳大学副教授,香港科技大学博士毕业。主要做迁移学习在推荐系统方面的一些工作。 [Google Scholar]

  • Tongliang Liu:中文名刘同亮,现任悉尼大学助理教授。主要做迁移学习的一些理论方面的工作。[Google scholar]

  • Tatiana Tommasi:Researcher at the Italian Institute of Technology.

6.Transfer Learning Thesis

Here are some popular thesis on transfer learning.



7.Datasets and Benchmarks


Please see HERE for the popular transfer learning datasets and certain benchmark results.


8.Transfer Learning Challenges

Here are some popular challenges on transfer learning. 一些关于迁移学习的国际比赛。


See HERE for transfer learning applications.


Other Resources

Call for papers about transfer learning:

Related projects:


If you are interested in contributing, please refer to HERE for instructions in contribution.
