Getting started

!["Project Screenshot"]("./src/assets/Screenshot 2022-04-14 100354.png" "Screen shot")

  • Clone this repo
  • Run npm && npm start for Linux and macOS users users or npm start for Windows users
  • The application should be running on http://localhost:3000

Technologies used

Folder structure

The important folders are located in the src directory. These include:

  • assets: contains all the static files, images for example
  • components: contains app-wide non stand-alone components like error
  • tests: contains integration and unit tests: However used Manual and Physical testing.
  • theme: contains the theme configurations
  • helper: contains utility/helper functions used across the application
  • interfaces: contains global interfaces/types for the application.

API integration

  • Use axios
// service
Used CSS to style the elements and appended Div in the end of each component name or main attached.

Also for styling some use like p-sm: for small tags and similar occurences.

Also used --light-theme for light Variant and also --dark-theme for dark variant in the index.css root file.
For testing used Manual testing to make sure everything was well set out and properly working locally with alll effects set in place and working properly.