
Vehicle Lateral Positioning

Primary LanguagePython

Supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea(NRF) grant funded by the Korea government(MSIT)

Real-time Version of Lateral Distance Project: https://github.com/ChicagoPark/Lateral_Realtime

[1] Project Goal

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Goal: Obtaining accurate lateral distance between vehicles and adjacent lanes

[2] Project Motivation

The precise localization of nearby vehicles in advanced driving assistance systems or autonomous driving systems is imperative for path planning or anomaly detection by monitoring and predicting the future behavior of the vehicles. Mainly, the lateral position of a vehicle with respect to lane markers is essential information for such tasks.

[3] Essential Idea

We propose a novel method to accurately estimate the lateral distance of a front vehicle to lane markers by combining camera and LiDAR sensors and the fusion of deep neural networks in 2D and 3D domains.

[4] Overall system architecture


[4-1] (Detailed Process) Segmentation of a LiDAR point cloud


We utilized the RANdom SAmple Consensus (RANSAC) function to discriminate point clouds for road and obstacles separately.

[4-2] (Detailed Process) Projection of LiDAR points onto the image plane of a front-view camera


We placed point clouds on the image from a 3D point cloud and assigned the color of points on the image according to the intensity of point cloud data for visualization. We utilize projected output from the sensor dimension upgrading process for lane matching.

[4-3] (Detailed Process) Lane detection on Image using the Ultrafast-ResNet model


We use Ultrafase-ResNot model, which can detect the lane in harsh weather conditions and various environments. Additionally, to get stable and constant lane detection results, we fitted each lane's points using a quadratic curve and plotted the lane as far as possible within a visible road area.

[4-4] (Detailed Process) 3D object detection on 3D domain using the PV-RCNN model


We use the PV-RCNN model, which considers the orientation of a vehicle and covers the vehicle with twelve lines to indicate bounding boxes. Through this 3D detection result, we can estimate the lateral distance from the exact mid-low point of vehicles to the lanes

[4-5] (Detailed Process) Selection of LiDAR points on the lanes


To obtain matching point points on lanes, first, we get the quadratic equations for the lane markers on the image domain and get the corresponding pixels occupied by the curves. Next, we search for all projected points on the pixels and keep them in dynamic memory. Through this process, we can upgrade the dimension reliably.

[4-6] (Detailed Process) Visualization of the resulting lateral distances from lanes to vehicles


We obtain the lateral distance by calculating the minimum distance from the mid-low point of the vehicle bounding box to the curve. Last but not least, we represent the lateral distance in meters using text markers, and we indicate the lateral locations of vehicles using pink line markers.

[5] Expected Benefits

Our framework provides the location of other vehicles regarding the lanes of the ego-vehicle, whereas previous work usually offers the vehicle location with respect to the ego-vehicle. We strongly believe that our work can provide more helpful information for detecting the anomaly behavior or the trajectory prediction of surrounding vehicles. Furthermore, the lateral distance values can be shared with networked vehicles around an ego-vehicle to strengthen traffic safety. Thus, our work can be a valuable addition to vehicle communication and network research.

[extra] Dataset labeling


As there is no dataset for vehicle’s lateral distances measured from the lanes of an ego-vehicle, we created a dataset by ourselves. We first extracted 1,281 frames suitable for this study from the KITTI dataset and then searched for the closest points to a vehicle on the left and right lanes of the ego vehicle.

Abstract Paper and Poster (Nov 2021)

Published full paper would be available in June, 2022.

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