0x19. C - Stacks, Queues- LIFO, FIFO


***This is the Monty Project done in fulfilment of ALX Software Development Training program. Monty 0.98 is a scripting language that is first compiled into Monty byte codes. It relies on a unique stack, with specific instructions to manipulate it. The goal of this project is to create an interpreter for Monty ByteCode files.


  • Usage: monty file
    • where file is the path to the file containing Monty byte code
  • If the user does not give any file or more than one argument to the program, error message is displayed with an EXIT_FAILURE
  • If file contains an invalid instruction, error mesage is generated with the line number.
  • The monty program runs the bytecodes line by line and stops if either:
    • it executed properly every line of the file
    • it finds an error in the file
    • an error occured


Code is compiled using

gcc -Wall -Werror -Wextra -pedantic -std=gnu89 *.c -o monty