
Data Structures. Algorithms. Problems & Solutions implemented in C++.

Primary LanguageC++

FMI Data Structures and Algorithms (DSA)

N loc N Topics Problem statement Solution
WEEK 01 - - - -
lecture 01 - complexity, data structures and algorithms - -
001 01 greedy Store discount Solution.cpp
002 02 counting Substring permutations Solution.cpp
003 03 sortings Pipi's socks Solution.cpp
004 04 counting Palindromic permutation Solution.cpp
005 05 implementation Super reduced string Solution 1 (fast).cpp
Solution 2.cpp
006 06 brute force, recursion The power sum Solution (recursive).cpp
Solution (generate).cpp
007 07 hw 01, implementation Encoding password Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
008 08 hw 01, implementation SDA mission Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
009 09 hw 01, greedy, implementation Water supplies Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
010 10 hw 01, math Cloning socks Solution 1 (induction n).cpp
Solution 2.cpp
011 11 hw 01, brute force, implementation Darts 501 Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Solution 3.cpp
012 12 binary search Climbing the leaderboard Solution.cpp
013 13 recursion Palindrome word check Solution.cpp
014 14 counting Stripe interview problem Solution.cpp
015 15 counting Game of thrones - I Solution.cpp
WEEK 02 - - - -
lecture 02 - sorting and searching algorithms - -
016 01 sortings Merge sort Solution 1 (classic).cpp
Solution 2 (short).cpp
017 02 sortings Merge sort inversions count Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
018 03 sortings Quick sort (random pivot) Solution.cpp
019 04 sortings Radix sort Solution.cpp
020 05 sortings Tim sort Solution.cpp
021 06 sortings Couples password Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2 (short).cpp
022 07 searching, sortings Shoe shopping Solution.cpp
023 08 counting String arrangement Solution.cpp
024 09 greedy, sortings Scrooge's gift Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
025 10 sortings Software regulation Solution 1 (fast).cpp
Solution 2 (slow).cpp
026 11 hw 02, counting Permutations Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
027 12 hw 02, sortings Monster world Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
028 13 hw 02, sortings Electrical energy Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
029 14 hw 02, greedy, sortings Events Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
030 15 searching, sortings Quick select Solution.cpp
031 16 searching, sortings The jeweller problems Solution.cpp
032 17 sortings Visualise sorting by merging Solution.cpp
033 18 sortings Visualise sorting by pivoting Solution.cpp
034 19 control test, counting sort Control test 01 Solution.cpp
035 20 counting, sortings Counting sort (float) Solution.cpp
036 21 searching, sortings Pairs Solution.cpp
037 22 binary search Binary search Solution 1 (most left/right pos).cpp
Solution 2 (recursive).cpp
038 23 searching Pair sum Solution.cpp
039 24 binary search Sqrt (binary search on answer) Solution.cpp
040 25 binary search Office printers Solution.cpp
041 26 binary search Upper/Lower bound Solution.cpp
WEEK 03 - - - -
lecture 03 pt.1
lecture 03 pt.2
searching algorithms, linked lists - -
042 01 implementation, recursion Chocolate chip cookies Solution.cpp
043 02 implementation, quick select Searching for index Solution.cpp
044 03 binary search, implementation, searching Drying clothes Solution.cpp
045 04 binary search, ternary search Building alignment Solution.cpp
046 05 greedy, sortings Gems Solution.cpp
047 06 hw 03, binary search Strawberries Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
048 07 hw 03, binary search Cows Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
049 08 hw 03, binary search Balloons and candy Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Solution 3.cpp
050 09 hw 03, binary search, ternary search Monster trucks Solution 1 (bs).cpp
Solution 2 (ts).cpp
Solution 3.cpp
051 10 binary search Left/Right most Solution.cpp
052 11 binary search Search 2 el with diff Solution.cpp
053 12 binary search Hackerland radio transmitters Solution.cpp
WEEK 04 - - - -
lecture 04 - stack - -
054 01 linked lists Control test 02 Solution.cpp
055 02 linked lists Singly linked list Solution.cpp
056 03 linked lists Min max sum Solution.cpp
057 04 linked lists List pairs Solution.cpp
058 05 implementation Cloning snowmen Solution.cpp
059 06 linked lists Pistols Solution.cpp
060 07 linked lists Smurfieta's writing Solution.cpp
061 08 stacks MAX element in stack Solution.cpp
062 09 hw 04, linked lists Node at pos Solution.cpp
063 10 hw 04, linked lists Delete a node Solution.cpp
064 11 hw 04, linked lists Merge two sorted linked lists Solution.cpp
065 12 hw 04, linked lists Reverse linked list Solution 1 (iterative).cpp
Solution 2 (recursive).cpp
066 13 wh 04, stacks Truck ordering Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
067 14 hw 04, stacks Welcome to the jungle Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
068 15 hw 04, implementation Optimal teams Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
069 16 queues Hamming numbers Solution.cpp
070 17 bfs, wave method Shortest path in maze Solution.cpp
071 18 queues Remove min elements in queue Solution.cpp
072 19 stacks Hikers Solution.cpp
WEEK 05 - - - -
lecture 05 pt.1
lecture 05 pt.2
lecture 05 pt.3
- queues, wave method, non-linear data structures, trees, binary trees - -
073 01 linked lists, math Josephus problem Solution 1 (linked list).cpp
Solution 2 (bitwise).cpp
Solution 3 (calculus).cpp
074 02 linked lists Lilly's stone path Solution.cpp
075 03 bfs, wave method Shortest path in labirinth Solution.cpp
076 04 queues Magic numbers Solution.cpp
077 05 hw 05, trees Los binares Solution.cpp
078 06 hw 05, bfs, wave method Rotten from the core Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Solution 3.cpp
079 07 hw 05, implementation, queues, structures Student's queue Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
080 08 hw 05, structures, queues Bonus: Min-Max-Intervals Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
081 09 trees Level order traversal in BT Solution.cpp
082 10 trees Binary search tree - insertion Solution.cpp
083 11 trees Is this a binary search tree? Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2 (recursive).cpp
084 12 trees Binary Search Tree - Lowest Common Ancestor Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
085 13 trees RLD Solution.cpp
086 14 trees Left-right Solution 1 (iterative).cpp
Solution 2 (recursive).cpp
087 15 trees Falling leaves Solution.cpp
088 16 trees Worry beads Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs).cpp
089 17 trees Sum level rows Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs).cpp
090 18 trees Depth of BT Solution.cpp
091 19 trees Symmetric tree Solution.cpp
092 20 trees K-th smallest element in a BST Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
093 21 trees Delete node in a BST Solution.cpp
094 22 trees Tree specific print Solution.cpp
095 23 trees Print specific level Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
096 24 trees Penultimate descendants Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
WEEK 06 - - - -
lecture 06 pt.1
lecture 06 pt.2 (online)
- balanced trees, AVL tree - -
097 01 trees Height of a binary tree Solution.cpp
098 02 trees Top view Solution.cpp
099 03 trees K-th ancestor Solution.cpp
100 04 trees Self Balancing Tree (AVL) Solution.cpp
101 05 trees Valid BST Solution.cpp
102 06 hw 06, trees Attacking vigorously the leaderboard Solution.cpp
103 07 hw 06, trees Elitism Solution 1 (multiset).cpp
Solution 2 (heap).cpp
104 08 greedy, heap Closest apartments Solution.cpp
105 09 greedy Bonus: 94 Solution 1 (author).cpp
Solution 2 (multiset).cpp
Solution 3 (flow).cpp
106 10 hash Online market 1 Solution.cpp
107 11 graphs Online market 2 Solution.cpp
108 12 heap K-th largest element in stream Solution.cpp
109 13 sets Dundee the crocodile Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Solution 3.cpp
110 14 greedy Minimum number of refueling stops Solution.cpp
WEEK 07 - - - -
lecture 07 - heap - -
111 01 set One-Dimensional Battle Ships Solution.cpp
112 02 hash, set Administration Solution.cpp
113 03 hw 07, trees Autocomplete suggestions Solution 1 (Trie).cpp
Solution 2.cpp
114 04 hw 07, hash Grand hotel Solution.cpp
115 05 hw 07, implementation, trees File system Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
116 06 hw 07, hash Bonus: Text contents Solution 1 (rolling hash).cpp
Solution 2 (experimental).cpp
Solution 3 (rolling hash).cpp
Solution 4 (secure hash).cpp
117 07 heap Commandos Solution.cpp
118 08 implementation Schedules Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
WEEK 08 - - - -
lecture 08 pt.1
lecture 08 pt.2
- kd-trees - -
119 01 bfs, dfs and similar Components in a graph Solution 1 (dfs).cpp
Solution 2 (bfs).cpp
120 02 bfs, graphs Snakes and ladders Solution.cpp
121 03 bfs Shortest reach Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Solution 3.cpp
122 04 graphs Connected cell in a grid Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs).cpp
123 05 graphs Number of Islands Solution.cpp
124 06 graphs Course Schedule II Solution 1 (Kahn).cpp
Solution 2 (2 color mark).cpp
125 07 graphs Cycle detector Solution 1 (back edge).cpp
Solution 2 (topological sort).cpp
126 08 bfs, dfs and similar Castle on the grid Solution.cpp
127 09 graphs Edge removal Solution 1 (dfs).cpp
Solution 2.cpp
128 10 graphs API Solution (backtracking).cpp
129 11 graphs Roads and libraries Solution.cpp
130 12 hash Toll tax Solution.cpp
131 13 graphs Green school Solution.cpp
WEEK 09 - - - -
lecture 09
lecture 10
- hash table, graphs - -
132 01 graphs Dijkstra- shortest reach 2 Solution.cpp
133 02 hw 08, graphs Christmas markets Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2 (shortest cycle).cpp
134 03 hw 08, graphs Christmas decoration Solution 1 (dfs).cpp
Solution 2 (bfs).cpp
Solution 3.cpp
135 04 hw 08, graphs Maze escape Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
136 05 hw 08, graphs Discos Solution.cpp
137 06 hw 08, graphs Bonus: Tunnel maps Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
138 07 hw 08, graphs, dp Bonus: BDZ Solution 1 (topological sort).cpp
Solution 2 (dp, memo).cpp
WEEK 10 - - - -
lecture 11
lecture 12
lecture 13
- Dijkstra's shortest path in graph algorithm, Kruskal algorithm (minimal spanning tree), {P, NP, NP-Complete} - -
139 01 hw 09, graphs Minimal forest Solution.cpp
140 02 hw 09, graphs Floyd - City of blinding lights Solution.cpp
141 03 hw 09, graphs, disjoint set Blocked roads Solution (disjoint set).cpp
142 04 hw 09, graphs Kruskal (MST) - Really Special Subtree Solution.cpp
WEEK 11 - - - -
lecture 14 - summary - -
EXAM 24.01.20 - - - -
143 01 graphs Road check Solution 1 (adj matrix).cpp
Solution 2 (adj list).cpp
Solution 3 (dfs).cpp
144 02 binary search Find element Solution 1 (binary search).cpp
Solution 2 (bounds).cpp
145 03 graphs Counting areas Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs).cpp
146 04 trees Profil of a tree Solution (lvl order traversal).cpp
147 05 graphs Shortest tour Solution (bfs).cpp
Theme Introduction Implementation
Sorting and Shuffling Sorting and shuffling Implementation.cpp
Searching Searching Searching.cpp
Recursion and backtracking Recursive algorithms and backtracking Implementation.cpp
Combinatorics algorithms Combinatorics algorithms Implementation.cpp
Trie Prefix Trie Implementation.cpp
Trie Autocomplete Trie Implementation.cpp
Binary Heap Binary Heap Implementation.cpp
2D Tree 2D Tree Implementation.cpp
KD-Tree KD Tree Implementation.cpp
Hash-Table Hash-Table using Lists Implementation.cpp
Dijkstra's algorithm Dijkstra's algorithm Implementation.cpp
Bellman-Ford algorithm Bellman–Ford algorithm Implementation.cpp
Graham scan Graham scan Implementation.cpp
Subdomain Challenge Points Solution
Interview Preparation Kit>Stairs Staircase with n steps - Solution.cpp
Interview Preparation Kit>Arrays Left Rotation 20 Solutioon.cpp
Interview Preparation Kit>Arrays New Year Chaos 40 Solution.cpp
Interview Preparation Kit>Arrays Minimum Swaps 2 40 Solution.cpp
Interview Preparation Kit>Trees Trees:Is This a Binary Search Tree? 30 Solution 1 (recursive).cpp
Solution 2 (inorder traversal).cpp
Interview Preparation Kit>Dictionaries and Hashmaps Ransom Note 25 Solution.cpp
Interview Preparation Kit>Dictionaries and Hashmaps Two Strings 25 Solution.cpp
Interview Preparation Kit>Dictionaries and Hashmaps Sherlock and Anagrams 50 Solution.cpp
Algorithms Smallest positive number missing - Solution.cpp
Algorithms Fractional Knapsack Problem - Solution.cpp
Algorithms Wave Method - Solution.cpp
Algorithms Mixed Words - Solution.cpp
Algorithms Search Word in Grid - Solution.cpp
Algorithms Word Match in Char Grid - Solution.cpp
Algorithms All Paths in Labyrinth - Solution.cpp
Algorithms Sudoku - Solution.cpp
Algorithms Generate Snakes - Solution.cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Electronics Shop 15 Solution.cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Non-Divisible Subset 20 Solution 1 (counting).cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Forming a Magic Square 20 Solution 1.cppSolution 2.cpp
Solution 3.cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Extra Long Factorials 20 Solution.cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Lisa's Workbook 25 Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Queen's Attack II 30 Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs)
Algorithms>implementation Organizing Containers of Balls 30 Solution.cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Bigger is Greater 35 Solution 1 (binary search).cpp
Solution 2 (built-in function).cpp
Algorithms>Implementation The Grid Search 30 Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Ema's Supercomputer 40 Solution 1 (brute force).cpp
Algorithms>Implementation Larry's Array 40 Solution 1 (slow).cpp
Solution 2 (fast).cpp
Algorithms>Greedy Minimum Coins - Solution.cpp
Algorithms>Greedy Candies 50 Solution.cpp
Mathematics>Fundamentals Is Fibo 20 Solution 1 (memory).cpp
Solution 2 (precompute).cpp
Data Structures>Arrays Moving Zeros - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Arrays Missing Number in AP - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Arrays Array Manipulation 60 Solution.cpp
Data Structures>2D Arrays 8 Queens Problem - Solution.cpp
Solution (optimized).cpp
Data Structures>Linked Lists Cycle Detection 5 Solution 1 (Floyd's algorithm).cpp
Solution 2 (unordered set).cpp
Data Structures>Stacks Signal and Noise - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Stacks Simple Text Editor 65 Solution 1 (stack).cpp
Solution 2 (history stack).cpp
Data Structures>Stacks Infix to postfix conversion - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Stacks Evaluation of postfix expression - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Stacks Game of Two Stacks 30 Solution 1 (vectors).cpp
Solution 2 (upper bound).cpp
Data Structures>Stacks Largest Rectangle 50 Solution 1 (stack).cpp
Solution 2 (vector).cpp
Algorithm explanation.md
Data Structures>Stacks Waiter 75 Solution 1 (stacks).cpp
Solution 2.cpp
Data Structures>Stacks Tower of Hanoi - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Queues Queue using Two Stacks 30 Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Queues Down to Zero II 40 Solution 1 (precompute).cpp
Solution 2 (hidden graph).cpp
Solution 3 (queue).cpp
Data Structures>Trees Preorder, Inorder, Postorder traversals in BT - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Trees Tree: Huffman Decoding 20 Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Trees Swap Nodes [Algo] 40 Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (child vectors).cpp
Data Structures>Trees Inorder successor in BST - Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Trie Contacts 40 Solution 1 (trie).cpp
Solution 2 (mapping)
Data Structures>Graph Theory Journey to the Moon 50 Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs).cpp
Solution 3 (disjoint set).cpp
Data Structures>Graph Theory Rust & Murderer 70 Solution (special bfs).cpp
Data Structures>Graph Theory Frog in Maze 65 Solution.cpp
Data Structures>Disjoint Set Components in a graph 50 Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs).cpp
Solution 3 (disjoint set).cpp
Data Structures>Advanced Kindergarten Adventures 30 Solution.cpp
Data Structures Advanced Mr. X and His Shots 50 Solution 1 (bounds).cpp
Solution 2 (marking).cpp
Data Structures>Advances Jim and the Skyscrapers 60 Solution (stack).cpp
Data Structures>Advanced Find Maximum Index Product 100 Solution (stack).cpp
Contest>101 Hack Jan 2016 Max-Sum-Subarray 30 Solution.cpp
Contests>101 Hack Jan 2016 Longest Path 50 Solution 1 (2 dfs).cpp
Solution 2 (short).cpp
Solution 3 (bfs).cpp
Contests>101 Hack Feb 2016 Beautiful Pairs 20 Solution (multiset).cpp
Contests>101 Hack Feb 2016 Minimum Penalty Path 50 Solution 1 (bfs).cpp
Solution 2 (dfs).cpp
Solution 3 (disjoint set).cpp
Codeforces Round #143 E. Cactus graphs, trees, combinatorics, data structures Analysis
C++>STL Deque-STL 50 Solution (linear).cpp
C++>STL Phone Book 30 Solution.cpp
C++>STL 2D Arrays 30 Solution.cpp
C++>STL Queues and Stacks 30 Solution
C++>STL Lower Bound-STL 15 Solution 1 (array).cpp
Solution 2 (vector).cpp
C++>Linked List Insert Function 30 Solution.cpp
C++>Linked List Remove Duplicates 30 Solution.cpp
C++>Exceptions String to Integer 15 Solution.cpp
C++>Exceptions More Exceptions 30 Solution.cpp
C++>BST Binary Search Trees 30 Solution.cpp
C++>BST Level Order Traversal 30 Solution.cpp
C++>Running Time and Complexity Is Prime 30 Solution.cpp
C++>RegEx,Patterns e-mail 30 Solution.cpp
C++>Bitwise Bitwise AND 30 Solution.cpp

Additional Algorithms

1. Tarjan algorithm for finding Bridges and Articulation Points

2. Sparse Table

3. Lowest Common Ancestor

N Algorithm About Time complexity Statement Solution
1.01 Finding bridges in a graph graphs, dfs trees, back edges O(N+M) Critical edges Solution.cpp
Examples (exploring).cpp
1.02 Finding articulation points in a graph graphs, dfs trees, back edges O(N+M) Submerge
Articulation Points and Bridges (Challenge)
Solution (Submerge).cpp
Art. Pts. & Bridges (Solution 1).cpp
Art. Pts. & Bridges (Solution 2).cpp
1.03 Directing edges to form a strongly connected digraph dfs and similar, graphs O(N+M) Bertown roads Solution.cpp
1.04 Cactus (Hard) data structures, dfs and similar, dp, graphs, trees O(N.log(N) + Q) E. Cactus Analysis
Solution 1.cpp
Solution 2.cpp
2.01 Range Minimum Query (RMQ) arrays, sparse tables O(N.log(N)) preprocessing, O(1) for each query RMQSQ - Range Minimum Query
RPLN - Negative Score
Solution (RMQSQ).cpp
Solution (RPLN).cpp
2.02 Range Maximum Query (RMQ) arrays, sparse tables O(N.log(N)) preprocessing, O(1) for each query THRBL - Catapult that ball Solution.cpp
2.03 Range Min & Max Query arrays, sparse-tables O(N.log(N)) preprocessing, O(1) for each query Matchsticks Solution.cpp
2.04 RMQ, bs on answer with O(1) validation func binary search, binary search on answer, sparse tables O(N.log(N)) building ST, O(log N) per RQ Sereja and D Solution.cpp
2.05 Count of intervals with GCD=x brute force, data structures, math O(N.log^2(N)) preprocessing, O(1) for each query CGCDSSQ Solution algorithm design and analysis
Solution 1 (sparse table).cpp
Solution 2 (hash table).cpp
2.06 Droid Army (Multiple Sparse Tables) binary search, data structures, two pointers O(M.N.log(N)) D. R2D2 and Droid Army Solution.cpp
2.07 K Subsegments of Sequence implementation O(N.log(N)) or O(N) Maximum of Maximums of Minimums Solution 1 O(n.log(n)).cpp
Solution 2 O(n).cpp
2.08 Range Minimal Index Query (RMIQ) data structures O(N.log(N)) TNVFC1M - Miraculous Solution.cpp
2.09 Multiplication Interval (Hard) Segment Tree, Interval Tree, Sparse Table O(N.log(N)) DCP-19: Multiplication Interval Solution.cpp
2.10 2D RMQ data structures, binary search O(N.M.log(N).log(M)) preprocessing, O(log(N)) for each query D. Animals and Puzzle 2D RMQ Theory
3.01 Lowest Common Ancestor (LCA) trees, lca O(N.log(N)) preprocessing, O(1) for each query Algorithm
LCA - Lowest Common Ancestor