The easiest way to create a micro service.
- yarn create microservice <your-service-name>
- file system based router
- build tools for node 6 (
- livereload/pretty logs (
- docker run -it -p 3000:3000 -v $(pwd):/repo:ro mhart/alpine-node:6 sh
... then inside the container ...
- # install git and curl
- apk update
- apk upgrade
- apk add git curl
- # setup project
- cd
- git clone /repo
- cd repo
- ls
- export PATH=$(npm bin):$PATH
- npm i
... server will fail until transpiled ...
- # prove service does not work
- npm start
- # transpile async/await in index.js
- mv routes src-routes
- async-to-gen --out-dir routes/ src-routes/
- # now start again in background
- npm start &
... then wait for service to start ...
- # prove service works!
- curl -w '\n' localhost:3000
- curl -w '\n' localhost:3000/lorem
- curl -w '\n' localhost:3000/lorem/3
- curl -w '\n' localhost:3000/echo?foo=bar&baz
- curl -w '\n' localhost:3000 -X POST
- curl -w '\n' localhost:3000 -X INVALIDMETHOD
- curl -w '\n' localhost:3000/invalidpath