is a toolips-powered UDP DNS server for julia.
To get started with chiNS
you will need to add the package via Pkg
using Pkg; Pkg.add("ChiNS")
Once added, there is still more work to do. In order to bind to UDP port 53, you are going to need priveleges to do so. The ToolipsUDP server will not start if you do not have these priveleges. Secondly, port 53 (UDP) will need to be allowed outgoing traffic by your firewall service. Here is an example using firewalld
on Fedora 39:
sudo firewall-cmd --add-port=53/udp
On Ubuntu (ubuntu firewall), as another example...
ufw allow 53
Once this is complete, you should be able to call ChiNS.start()
to start the server.
The ChiNS
server uses .zone
files to determine the current names being hosted by the server and where those names should go. When loading ChiNS
, the server will search for the directory zones
. If no directory is found, you will be notified to use set_zones
to set the zone directory. For convenience, ChiNS
also provides an editor for creating, managing, and editing these zones. Zones are loaded into the server on startup, and may be refeshed with ChiNS.reload