
A Bucketlist API with rails

Primary LanguageRuby

eBucketlist API

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eBucketlist API is a simple API for bucketlist design. It provides an application interface that enables users to create and manage their bucketlists. A user can have many bucketlist. Each bucketlist can have many items. Bucketlists are initialized with a name. Items are stored under bucketlists, with a name and a done status indicating whether Item is completed or not.

Every operations are are secured to a registered user's access. This mean that every action is performed on a particular (logged in) user.

This API uses JWT authentication to validate a request. That is to say that every request to the API is sent with an authentication token which is gotten when a user logs in for the first time.

For full documentation, and usage examples, see http://ebucketlist-staging.herokuapp.com/

Available endpoints.

EndPoint Functionality
POST /auth/login Logs a user in
GET /auth/logout Logs a user out
POST /bucketlists/ Create a new bucket list
GET /bucketlists/ List all the created bucket lists
GET /bucketlists/:id Get single bucket list
PUT /bucketlists/:id Update this bucket list
DELETE /bucketlists/:id Delete this single bucket list
POST /bucketlists/:id/items/ Create a new item in bucket list
PUT /bucketlists/:id/items/:item_id Update a bucket list items
DELETE /bucketlists/:id/items/:item_id Delete an item in a bucket lists
POST /users/ Create a new user


Changes and upgrades are made from time to time in this API. So that a consumer's code does not break, the major changes are made as a different version. We have provided three ways of specifying the requested version, these are listed below:

By specifying the version in the url path

GET /api/v1/<some-endpoint>

By passing the Accept header stating the version in your request

{'Accept' => 'application/vnd.mycompany.com; version=1'}

By passing the version parameter to the url

GET /api/<some-endpoint>?version=v1

Also, if the version is not passed in anyway, the requests defaults to version 1.


The API only responds with json, and does not yet have support for xml and other response types.


Web application is written with Ruby using the Ruby on Rails API framework.

To install Ruby visit Ruby Lang.

To install Rails visit Ruby on Rails.

To install Rails visit Rails API.


User authentication is implemented with the JWT gem. For more information, see https://github.com/jwt/ruby-jwt

ActiveModelSerializer was used while serializing objects for JSON responses. See https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers


Before running tests, run the following command to run all database migrations:

    $ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Before running tests, run the following command to seed the database:

    $ bundle exec rake db:seed

To test the web application, run the following command to carry out all tests:

    $ bundle exec rake spec

To view test descriptors, run the following command:

    $ bundle exec rake spec -fd


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/andela-echigbo/bucketlist-api. This project is intended to be a safe and welcoming space for collaboration. To contribute to this work:

  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[andela-echigbo]/bucketlist-api/fork )

  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-awesome-feature)

  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some awesome feature')

  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-awesome-feature)

  5. Create a new Pull Request

  6. Wait