
Fluentd plugin for Azure Event Hubs

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Azure Event Hubs buffered output plugin for Fluentd. This fork repo is for batch function.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'fluent-plugin-azureeventhubs-batched'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install fluent-plugin-azureeventhubs-batched


<match pattern>
  type azureeventhubs_buffered

  connection_string <Paste SAS connection string from Azure Management Potal>
  hub_name          <Name of Event Hubs>
  include_tag       (true|false) # true: Include tag into record [Optional: default => false]
  include_time      (true|false) # true: Include time into record [Optional: default => false]
  tag_time_name     record_time  # record tag for time when include_time sets true. [Optional: default => 'time']
  type              (https|amqps) # Connection type. [Optional: default => https]. Note that amqps is not implementated.
  expiry_interval   <Integer number> # Signature expiration time interval in seconds. [Optional: default => 3600 (60min)]
  proxy_addr       <Host or IP> # Address of the proxy [Optional]
  proxy_port	   <Integer>   # Proxy port. [Optional: default => 3128]
  read_timeout     <Integer>   # HTTP Read timeout in seconds[Optional: default => 60]
  open_timeout     <Integer>   # HTTP Open timeout in seconds[Optional: default => 60]
  message_properties <Json Object> # A json object of key/value pairs to add Properties to the events being sent to EventHubs [Optional: default => nil]
  batch             (true|false) # true: Send a collection of records to Event Hubs instead of one message per record. [Optional: default => false]
  max_batch_size    <Integer> # The max number of records to send in a single message to Event Hubs. [Optional: default => 20]
  print_records     (true|false) # true: Print each record as it is processed. [Optional: default => true]

Batch mode

Change batch format after V0.0.9 to align with Azure Eventhub documents. Eventhub batch events

Version >= v0.0.9

  { "Body": "msg" },
  { "Body": "msg" },

Version < v0.0.9

  "records": [
    { "Body": "msg" },
    { "Body": "msg" },


  1. Fork it ( https://github.com/[my-github-username]/fluent-plugin-azureeventhubs/fork )
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request