
A Python Code which finds Nash Equilibria for 2x2 Game ( Game Theory Homework )

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


NashEqFInder is a 2x2 (nxn -- cli-only__) Strategic Game solver , it finds Nash Equiliberia in Pure and Mixed strategies implemented in Python 3.8.

The GUI version can easily been used you have just to introduce your payoff matrix (integers) and that's it !

Note: The Non ints filled entries will be automatically rejected with an error message

Run the app :

python main.py

Libraries ( Requirements )

Install Utility
Numpy pip install numpy For handling Matrix manipulation (np.ndarray) and some maths
Matplotlib pip install matplotlib Used to represents mixed NE graphically
Tkinter already installed ! Used for creating GUI

Some Screenshots :

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


docker ++ Py 3.10 nxn games GUI concrete 2x2 games (chess)