How to run:

To run the program in Unix terminal, follow the commands below in order:

  1. cd src
  2. javac -cp ".:libs/*"
  3. java -cp ".:libs/*" Main

To run the program in Windows, follow the commands below in order:

  1. cd src
  2. javac -cp “.;libs/*"
  3. java -cp “.;libs/*" Main

To view the javadoc, open "index.html" in the "javadoc" folder using any browser if your choice.

To change the email to which the notification is sent to:

Find Students.txt in the path "src/data/preload/Students.txt" and change email from ‘’ to the required email for individual students.

Note that after changing the "src/data/preload/Students.txt" file, you should delete "Storage.ser" (if it exists) in the "src/data" folder before running the program again.

The preloaded login information is provided as follows:

Preloaded Student Log-In Information UserID | Password Student1 | password1 Student2 | password2 Student3 | password3 Student4 | password4 Student5 | password5 Student6 | password6 Student7 | password7 Student8 | password8 Student9 | password9 Student10 | password10 Student11 | password11 Student12 | password12 Student13 | password13 Student14 | password14 Student15 | password15

Preloaded Admin Log-In Information UserID | Password Admin1 | password1 Admin2 | password2