
Primary LanguageJava

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Duke User Guide

Setting up Duke

  1. Open Terminal(on mac) or Command Prompt(on Window)
  2. Change directory to the folder where ip.jar is stored
  3. Type in java -jar ip.jar to run Duke


  1. Todo
  2. Deadline
  3. Event
  4. List
  5. Done
  6. Delete
  7. Find
  8. Menu
  9. Bye

Feature 1: Todo

Adds a Todo task in your task list

Usage: todo descriptionOfTodo

Example of usage: todo borrow books

Examples of outcome:


Feature 2: Deadline

Adds a Deadline task in your task list

Usage: deadline descriptionOfDeadline /by date time

Example of usage: deadline submit english essay by 2021-01-01 11:59

Examples of outcome:


Feature 3: Event

Adds an Event task in your task list

Usage: event descriptionOfEvent /at date time

Examples of usage: Event Jamie birthday party /at 23 Feb 2021

Examples of outcome:


Feature 4: List

Lists all task current task in Duke

Usage: list <\code>

Examples of outcome:


Feature 5: Done

Marks the task as done

Usage: Done index

Example of usage: Done 2

Examples of outcome:


Feature 6: Delete

Deletes the task

Usage: Delete index

Example of usage: Delete 1

Examples of outcome:


Feature 7: Find

Find the task with matching keyword

Usage: Find keyword(s)

Example of usage: Find party

Examples of outcome:


Feature 8: Menu

Bring up menu

Usage: menu

Examples of outcome: image

Feature 9: Bye

Exits the program

Usage: bye

Examples of outcome:
