
A dart package for triggering events and managing services.

Primary LanguageDartMIT LicenseMIT


A very simple global message-passing library for dart/js interop, based on custom events.

###API a Service receives all messages created by a following transmit with a matching type

Service(List<String> types, Function target);

transmit(String type, var content);


main() {
  new Service(['pokemon'], choose);
  new Service(['attack'], waterGun);

  // Messages trigger services that contain their types.
  transmit('pokemon', 'Squirtle');
    // => I choose you Squirtle!
  transmit('attack', 'Squirtle');
    // => Squirtle used Water Gun!

waterGun(content) {
  print('${content} used Water Gun!');

choose(content) {
  print('I choose you ${content}!');